Parashot Matot-Mas’ei (Numbers/B’midbar 30:2-36) 5782 B”H A Study looking at Kavanah: Intentionality/Focus Do you speak legalese? I...
Parashat Terumah (Shemot/Exodus 25:1-27:19) If you have spent any time in a large fellowship or congregation, surely...
Parashat B’shalach Shemot/Exodus 13:17-Exodus 17 “After Pharaoh had let the people go . . . ” Ex.13:17a...
Parashat Shemot Exodus 1-6:1 Exodus (Shemot) 2 introduces us to Amram עַמְרָם and Yokheved יוֹכֶבֶד (commonly rendered Jochebed in...
Parashat Chukat (B’midbar/Numbers 19-21) 5781 B”H (Updated 7/15/22 5782) We continue our study through Numbers today. Most people...
The nation of Israel is truly flourishing. The land is prospering. Deserts are blossoming, becoming...
The boundary set at Mount Sinai Shemot/Exodus 19 describes the awe-inspiring events at Mount Sinai leading up...