I am a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2). As a #BibleGatewayPartner, I have received a copy of the NIV Student Bible published by Zondervan Bibles at no cost to […]
Review: KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible
I am a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2). As a #BibleGatewayPartner, I have received a copy of the KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible published by Zondervan Bibles at no cost […]
Review: “The Difficult Words of Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine
I enjoyed Dr.Levine’s ability to draw out the characteristics of people described by the Gospel writers. For example, I liked the way she helps the reader imagine the […]
Review: The New Testament for Everyone by N.T. Wright
I am a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2). As a #BibleGatewayPartner, I have received a copy of the The New Testament for Everyone published by Zondervan Bibles at no […]
Review: NKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible
I am a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2). As a #BibleGatewayPartner, I have received a copy of the NKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible published by Zondervan Bibles at no cost […]