September 11, 2024



“Adonai Shalom” means “The Lord is peace.”

And if there’s anything people need right now, it is peace. Not the flaky, unsteady “peace” of a neohippie movement, but real, steadfast, genuine peace. A peace that ensures resilience.


In Hebrew, “shalom” (peace) is an all-encompassing wholeness, a depth of tranquility. Shalom becomes a way of life not just a fleeting feeling of temporary calm. True shalom is one of the blessed gifts that accompanies true salvation.

Shalom I leave you, My shalom I give to you; but not as the world gives! Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.

John 14:27

As believers, we are commissioned to share this shalom! Yet all too often, believers have been ill-equipped to understand the Jewish/Hebraic background of their faith. Sadly, in many cases, they themselves are not experiencing the true shalom that their Messiah has intended for their lives here on earth. You don’t have to wait “’til you get to heaven” to live stress-free, anxiety-free, and full of joy, peace, and the fruits of the Spirit (Ruach).

Strap up your feet in readiness with the Good News of shalom.

Ephesians 6:15

Hopefully, this website will encourage you as you seek a greater closeness with the Messiah of Israel.

Adonai Shalom is a ministry dedicated to increasing Biblical literacy and encouraging followers of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) to search the riches of Scripture. We emphasize the Jewishness of the Gospel because so much has been lost over the centuries due to the evils of antiSemitism and poor interpretation of New Testament texts.

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Thank you for reading. We hope you are blessed by our ministry and we hope you will subscribe to our newsletter!

Shalom, mishpocha!

“We are therefore ambassadors for Messiah…”

2 Cor.5:20a


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