September 11, 2024

Contact us


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Written correspondence: P.O. Box 117, Brokaw, WI 54417

I am available to speak at congregational meetings as well as home gatherings.

Blessings and Shalom!

Do you live in the Wausau area? Are you interested in Bible Study? Let us know! We look forward to meeting you!


5 thoughts on “Contact us

  1. I enjoyed reading your article regarding the Miracle performed during the Wedding of Cana. The prophetic insight you were given was definitely inspired by the Spirit of Truth, the Ruach. I am leaving my personal testimony for your encouragement. I am a descendant of Abraham.

    On the DAY of the REVELATION TWELVE SIGN in September 2017, the DOVE 🕊️ fell upon the Captive Daughter of ZION chained upon the Neck Isaiah 52. On Tabernacles, October 8 2020, TWO MONTHS PRIOR TO THE GLOBAL VACCINATION PROGRAM, JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD already FILLED my BELLY with LIVING WATER John 7:38, Out of their Bellies Shall Flow LIVING WATER or reference a Garden Enclosed is My Sister My Spouse A SEALED FOUNTAIN Song of Solomon chapter 4. It’s the SEALED TRIBES from Revelation 7 Sealed with the Living Water flowing from Shiloah the Real Temple or Tabernacle of CHRIST. I am the LAME CRIPPLED person from Micah 4 Jeremiah 31 Zephaniah 3 Isaiah 35 and Isaiah 33. If you host a banquet invite the blind the crippled the lame and the poor and you will be Blessed at the Resurrection of the Righteous Luke 14. The literal meaning of the Wedding of Cana Scripture is as follows: regarding the Remnant of Israel, chosen by Grace not by works that anyone might Boast, Romans chapter 11, those who Delighted in HIS Righteousness and their Faith rested solely upon their King 👑 and Messiah, the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

    There’s SIX WATER POTS Filled to the Brim with Living Water, they correlate directly with the SIX men in EZEKIELS Vision. Men may also mean women, because Eve was taken out of Adam. I already have living water flowing through my BODY right now. This is the
    literal fulfillment of the Wedding of Cana Scripture at the end of the age, and Zechariah 14, the SPRINGS of Living Water promised to Israel. In addition, JESUS CHRIST cry’s out like a woman in Travail! The BRIDE is the BARREN WOMAN of Isaiah 54, the Redeemed Remnant of Israel chosen by Grace! It’s also a Purification Ritual for the Jewish Remnant to cleanse them thoroughly from ALL things Babylon. I am currently disabled and lame. Yet, CHRIST will make the Lame, HIS REMNANT, Micah 4, and I will be fully Healed when ISAIAH 35 is fulfilled here shortly, the Lame will Leap like a DEER! WATER 💦 will Gush forth from the Wilderness and the Way of Holiness will be Revealed to the REDEEMED Isaiah 35! The Deliverer will Come from ZION to take Godlessness from JACOB Romans chapter 11. This is the mystery written by the Apostle Paul regarding the Remnant of Israel at the end of the Age, the Joy of the Redeemed or those Ransomed back from Captivity in endtime Babylon. Babylon must FALL because of ISRAEL’s SLAIN Jeremiah 50 and 51! Babylon is Fallen is Fallen Isaiah 21! I am personally commissioned to Announce the Coming of ZION! The Temple is not a building over in Jerusalem! Furthermore, the Scriptures are very clear, the Elect are gathered from the four corners of the Globe. Thus, they don’t all live in the Modern State of Israel. And CHRIST taught us clearly we are the Temple of the Living God, lively stones with Christ as our Foundation Stone. There’s two separate endtime fulfillments regarding Israel in the Old Testament, the Apostate and the Remnant. Obviously, the Remnant already accepted their Messiah. The Church created a false dispensation model which separates the times of the Gentiles and
    the Gathering of Israel. CHRIST is gathering His Remnant right now in the Spirit. And I am also commissioned to Announce, ” Jesus Christ has Redeemed HIS Servant Jacob Isaiah 48!”

    HIS SPRINGS ARE LITERALLY IN US PSALM 87! The WATER 💦 is the SPIRIT of WISDOM! The Spirit and the Bride say Come Drink the Living Water that leads to eternal life 🧬!

    While Evil persists, as we draw closer to the return of Christ; Satan’s objective is to Sit or Dwell inside of our Earthly Tabernacle altering our genetics 🧬. Come out of Her my people lest you partake of her Plagues! All Nations will be deceived by PHARMAKEIA or rather pharmacy products Revelation 18! JESUS CHRIST is providing the Living Waters to His Chosen Servants, His Endtime Witnesses to invite His children to the Wedding Supper of the LAMB, HIS Wife has made herself ready, Proverbs 31! When Isaiah 35 is fulfilled, this will be the actual fulfillment of the BRANCH from Zechariah 1-4, the Lampstand and the Olive Tree. The Harvest of Daughter Babylon is upon us Jeremiah 51! Awake Oh Sleeper and Christ will Arise upon you!

  2. I enjoyed reading your article regarding the Miracle performed during the Wedding of Cana. The prophetic insight you were given was definitely inspired by the Spirit of Truth, the Ruach. I am leaving my personal testimony for your encouragement. I am a descendant of Abraham.

    On the DAY of the REVELATION TWELVE SIGN in September 2017, the DOVE 🕊️ fell upon the Captive Daughter of ZION chained upon the Neck Isaiah 52. On Tabernacles, October 8 2020, TWO MONTHS PRIOR TO THE GLOBAL VACCINATION PROGRAM, JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD already FILLED my BELLY with LIVING WATER John 7:38, Out of their Bellies Shall Flow LIVING WATER or reference a Garden Enclosed is My Sister My Spouse A SEALED FOUNTAIN Song of Solomon chapter 4. It’s the SEALED TRIBES from Revelation 7 Sealed with the Living Water flowing from Shiloah the Real Temple or Tabernacle of CHRIST. I am the LAME CRIPPLED person from Micah 4 Jeremiah 31 Zephaniah 3 Isaiah 35 and Isaiah 33. If you host a banquet invite the blind the crippled the lame and the poor and you will be Blessed at the Resurrection of the Righteous Luke 14. The literal meaning of the Wedding of Cana Scripture is as follows: regarding the Remnant of Israel, chosen by Grace not by works that anyone might Boast, Romans chapter 11, those who Delighted in HIS Righteousness and their Faith rested solely upon their King 👑 and Messiah, the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

    There’s SIX WATER POTS Filled to the Brim with Living Water, they correlate directly with the SIX men in EZEKIELS Vision. Men may also mean women, because Eve was taken out of Adam. I already have living water flowing through my BODY right now. This is the
    literal fulfillment of the Wedding of Cana Scripture at the end of the age, and Zechariah 14, the SPRINGS of Living Water promised to Israel. In addition, JESUS CHRIST cry’s out like a woman in Travail! The BRIDE is the BARREN WOMAN of Isaiah 54, the Redeemed Remnant of Israel chosen by Grace! It’s also a Purification Ritual for the Jewish Remnant to cleanse them thoroughly from ALL things Babylon. I am currently disabled and lame. Yet, CHRIST will make the Lame, HIS REMNANT, Micah 4, and I will be fully Healed when ISAIAH 35 is fulfilled here shortly, the Lame will Leap like a DEER! WATER 💦 will Gush forth from the Wilderness and the Way of Holiness will be Revealed to the REDEEMED Isaiah 35! The Deliverer will Come from ZION to take Godlessness from JACOB Romans chapter 11. This is the mystery written by the Apostle Paul regarding the Remnant of Israel at the end of the Age, the Joy of the Redeemed or those Ransomed back from Captivity in endtime Babylon. Babylon must FALL because of ISRAEL’s SLAIN Jeremiah 50 and 51! Babylon is Fallen is Fallen Isaiah 21! I am personally commissioned to Announce the Coming of ZION! The Temple is not a building over in Jerusalem! Furthermore, the Scriptures are very clear, the Elect are gathered from the four corners of the Globe. Thus, they don’t all live in the Modern State of Israel. And CHRIST taught us clearly we are the Temple of the Living God, lively stones with Christ as our Foundation Stone. There’s two separate endtime fulfillments regarding Israel in the Old Testament, the Apostate and the Remnant. Obviously, the Remnant already accepted their Messiah. The Church created a false dispensation model which separates the times of the Gentiles and
    the Gathering of Israel. CHRIST is gathering His Remnant right now in the Spirit. And I am also commissioned to Announce, ” Jesus Christ has Redeemed HIS Servant Jacob Isaiah 48!”

    HIS SPRINGS ARE LITERALLY IN US PSALM 87! The WATER 💦 is the SPIRIT of WISDOM! The Spirit and the Bride say Come Drink the Living Water that leads to eternal life 🧬!

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  4. Respected FriendsNice to know about your good Church and your good work and your good people.I am a Goan and wish to have a tieup with your overseas team members.I wish to start a prayer centre in GOA STATE along with a health centre for the needy who need medicines and surgeries.I want to establish 5 Hospitals in GOA State to cater to the people in need of medical attention and emergencies.Francis Angelo SequeiraCell No. 0091 90045 13968I have over 50 years experience in Church activities and have been associated with reputed lawyers and corporates for past 40 years, such as, internationally reputed LODHA GROUP (Kundan Realtors Pvt Ltd) of Mangal Prabhat Lodha, who is minister in the Government of Maharashtra and during the pandemic was also associated with VANDANA PAI, Bharucha & Partners (,  internationally reputed lawyer representing FIIs investments in India to the tune of billions of Rupees.

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