September 12, 2024

10 thoughts on “Biblical Mothers of the Faith: Phoebe, Priscilla, and Junia

  1. I knew about Priscilla but never knew about Phoebe or Junia. And also, I was never aware of how the Bible translators’ may have been uncomfortable with the idea that women could be apostles. Your posts always teach me something. Thanks Jennifer for sharing your knowledge and insight with us! God appointed and anointed you as a Pastor and godly leader and I am honored to be your friend and sit under your teachings in your posts! Blessings sweet sister …🙏💕

    1. These women of God are not often talked about. This past weekend was the first time I ever heard a sermon that actually mentioned two other important Biblical women: Joanna and Susanna! It really falls to the responsibility of pastors everywhere to highlight these female servants of God . . . and even I am guilty of not doing so very often. Mother’s Day weekend provides a great opportunity for that, but honestly, we should be talking about these women much more. I believe it would encourage our sisters in the LORD all around the world. Donna, I thank you for your kind words and I am so humbled to know that these teachings are of blessing to you. Praise the LORD!

  2. Thank you so much for this insightful blog post! I truly appreciate the content and the wisdom you shared. It’s incredibly empowering to see how Paul recognizes and praises the women in his life for their dedication and service in the kingdom of God.

    The stories of Phoebe, Priscilla, and Junia clearly demonstrate that women have a significant role to play in ministry, and that their gifts and calling are valued by God.

    Thank you for this valuable blog post

    1. My sister Aritha: you’re right! It really is empowering to study Paul’s perspective and realize that he actually was extremely supportive of women in ministry! I appreciate your kind words and I am so glad to hear that this post was of blessing to you! May the LORD use you mightily for His Kingdom!!

    1. Thank you for providing a balanced and thoughtful teaching on this important subject! May God continue to use both men and women to preach His Word! I tried to comment directly on your blog, but it wouldn’t go thru.

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