September 10, 2024

19 thoughts on “Ukraine in Ezekiel’s prophecy

  1. Thank you for this post! I had wondered perhaps if the Russian invasion on of Ukraine could somehow be related to prophecy…very interesting and good research!

    1. Indeed – we are living in the last days and so much of what we see happening around the world is related to these end of days prophecies. Thank you for reading and for your comment!

  2. We need to make reparations for out heinous crime of denying th Great Cossack Republic of Ukraine their nuclear weapon so that they may melt the vodka-soaked eyeballs of Putin & co. After all, Dugin fessed up Russia is the Urezin Magog, grandchildren of Satan.

  3. This prophecy is for after the millinium, as it says, when it is safe and secure.
    Nothing in this day and age is secure.

  4. I believe with my whole heart we are experiencing the last days before our Lord returns. My heart feels like it is about to burst with anticipation. How can we not believe when the Bible is being revealed before our eyes. I pray all who will, come to Jesus now. 🕊

    1. Mary, we are praying with you for the salvation of the nations! I love how you expressed that – your heart is bursting with anticipation. I feel the same way. It is an exciting time to be alive – to see the Bible fulfillments happening. Thanks for your comment. May the LORD bless you with peace and joy as we await the return of our Messiah!

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