(Luke 1) 5783 B”H I really love the Gospel of Luke and his sequel, the book of...
Parashot Noach (B‘reishit/Genesis 6:9-11) & Lech L’cha (B’reishit/Genesis 12-17) 5783 B”H Most of us know about Abraham and...
Too many institutions entice young students to look for “truths” rather than the TRUTH When I was...
Parashat Tzav (V’yikra/Leviticus 6-8) 5782 B”H Last week, I posed the question of whether or not you...
Parashat P’kudei (Shemot/Exodus 38:21-40:38) Completion of the Tabernacle This passage starts out where we left off discussing...
Parashat Shemot Exodus 1-6:1 Exodus (Shemot) 2 introduces us to Amram עַמְרָם and Yokheved יוֹכֶבֶד (commonly rendered Jochebed in...
The Empowerment of followers of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) Acts 2 is one of my favorite passages of...
Updated 5/25/22 B”H Do you want to be blessed in your daily routine? Here are some practical...