Parashat Vayeshev (B‘reishit/Genesis 37-40) 5783 B”H Last week in our study of Timna & Amalek, we considered how...
Parashat Toledot (B‘reishit/Genesis 25:19-28:9) 5783 B”H Our study begins today with the harsh realities of spiritual battle, but reminds...
Parashat Chayei Sarah (B‘reishit/Genesis 23−25:18) 5783 B”H Love at first sight: a personal story A Language Barrier When I...
Parashat Vayeira (B‘reishit/Genesis 18-22) 5783 B”H Isaac: A Beloved son If you are a parent, you know firsthand...
Parashot Noach (B‘reishit/Genesis 6:9-11) & Lech L’cha (B’reishit/Genesis 12-17) 5783 B”H Most of us know about Abraham and...
Parashat B’reishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8) (Updated 10/13/2022 5783 B”H) Beginning at the Beginning Each year after Sukkot (The...