9 thoughts on “Sh’ma: The Greatest Commandment

  1. I sure do appreciate what you do! I find myself coming back here throughout the week to glean from your teachings. Thank you, friend! I’ll be coming back to this one!

  2. So interesting that the Sh’ma means “hear” and it makes me wonder if there is any connection when Jesus often said, “He who has ears, let him hear.” Now I want to research that! 🙂

  3. “We will not be able to live out the Greatest Commandment to love the LORD our God without dedication to Him and His Word.” This is well said and such an important message. It grieves me that so many Followers of Christ don’t understand how vital it is that we be in the Word. Thank you for your work, sister!

  4. Wow es amazing toda la información que tu provees para ampliar mi conocimiento acerca de estos temas. Dios te bendiga.

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