Parashot Noach (B‘reishit/Genesis 6:9-11) & Lech L’cha (B’reishit/Genesis 12-17) 5783 B”H Most of us know about Abraham and...
Month: October 2022
Parashat Noach (Genesis 6:9-11) 5783 B”H The Holy Spirit hovered over the Waters at Creation In studying...
“Sukkot” is the Hebrew term referring to the Feast of Tabernacles (also known as the Feast of...
Parashot Nitzavim (D’varim/Deuteronomy 29:9-30), V’Yelech (D’varim/Deuteronomy 31), Ha’Azinu (D’varim/Deuteronomy 32), V’Zot HaBrachah (D’varim/Deuteronomy 33-34) 5783 B”H We...