November 21, 2024

14 thoughts on “A cure changes everything

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your heart on this divisive issue! I really appreciate the way you brought us back to God’s Word and remind us of eternal truths for these times! It’s certainly been a challenge to find peace on the Covid stuff throughout these past two years, but God remains faithful through it all.

  2. This was a beautiful perspective on a very sensitive issue. I loved your Biblical perspective and the reminder that God is ultimately in control of all sickness, health and everything in between. We all need that reminder!

    1. So I really love this post. I especially liked when you talked about your dismay over Covid becoming a political issue and how we should be celebrating and praising God over the medical breakthroughs just like with polio. Best of all is how you refer to Jesus Christ as the ultimate “cure” for a sin ravaged world. Excellent!

  3. Patti, I am so glad you resonated with this post! Yes, we definitely should celebrate and praise God for medical breakthroughs and Godly doctors who have given of their time and talent to help and bless others! Thank you for your comment, sister!!

  4. My dad always says, “All experience is good!” It is something we learn from, one way or another. Covid has been a terrible thing but at least we can learn a few things along the way 😉

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