The Guardian of Israel

Parashat Ki Tetzei (D’varim/Deuteronomy 21:10-255782 B”H

Prudence and Safety are prioritized in Scripture by the Guardian of Israel

Have you ever driven on a mountainous road that lacks guardrails?

Or looked off the edge of such a road to see a huge drop-off just a few inches or feet below you?

I have traveled to countries where guardrails appear to be optional!

Guardian of Israel
“I was right on the cliff-edge, ready to fall, when God grabbed and held me.” Psalm 118:13, the Message

Similarly, I have also visited churches where safety does not appear to be a top priority:

Children running wild; old and broken toys, equipment, or safety latches; and poor supervision. The amount of safety and security measures set in place tends to be directly related to the congregational community’s level of affluence and education. I know I am generalizing, but wealthier, more affluent congregations tend to implement stricter safety policies, particularly for the children’s ministry areas while less affluent (and also, typically less-educated) congregations often brush aside safety. Those who take safety less seriously usually have the faith that God will protect the children in the nursery with or without things like functioning baby safety gates.

Yes, the Guardian of Israel can protect us despite our weaknesses, lack of resources, or lack of education.

But, the LORD actually expects us to be prudent.

We should seek to be well-rounded in our education – in that we study Scripture, but we also study and analyze our safety measures!

We should make changes as we become more educated. Just as we ought to study Scripture deeply, we should seek the richness of prudence in the practical aspects of life so we can be an example to the world of what to do versus what not to do!

A “safety-first” posture should be adopted for all children’s ministries (and all ministries in general, of course!)

One of the congregations we pastored was comprised almost entirely of Central American immigrants. Most of these dear brothers and sisters in the LORD spoke different tonal dialects like K’iche’ and Chatino. Because they had grown up in remote villages, many had not mastered the Spanish language – let alone English. Some had been sent into the larger cities as children to learn Spanish and receive education, but others had not received more than about a second grade education. Our brothers and sisters had difficulty with reading the Bible, but they loved the LORD nonetheless.

As the congregation grew, it became necessary to implement a children’s ministry. We expected the people to be joyful that they had reached this important milestone as a congregation. But it was the opposite! There was resistance. Most in this congregation did not want a children’s ministry.

This is why we always say . . . pray for your pastors!

As my husband and I tried to prayerfully discern what the underlying issues were, we came to some realizations:

Worship was the only time during the week when many of these mothers of large families felt they had a break. They did not want to be responsible for a class of more children. The men and women had become so accustomed to the screaming and crying of young children that they must have learned to tune it out. They wouldn’t even attempt to quiet their children during the services, most of the time.

We had to gradually teach the importance of godly discipline and order.

Setting up a standard nursery staffed by the members of the congregation would be a challenge because both the men and the women feared things like background checks due to their immigration status. We realized we would need the partnership of documented individuals, even if they were from another congregation, in order to staff a legitimate nursery/children’s ministry. Thankfully, the LORD sent some young women to fill this role for a time.

It turns out that our situation was not entirely unique. Many ministry leaders of primarily-Hispanic congregations have faced similar issues when it comes to guiding young immigrant parents. Often, the parents are barely entering adulthood themselves and simply need some wise and caring instruction.

Safety had to be a priority. We didn’t want children bumping their heads on hard surfaces or playing with objects that could poke their eyes. And we most certainly didn’t want any infants falling out of an unsecured crib.

We had to be patient, but also firm.

The Guardian of Israel requires Guardrails for safety:

We taught our congregation what the LORD says about safety:

“When you build a new house, you are to make a guardrail for your roof, so that you do not bring the guilt of blood on your house if anyone falls from it.” Deuteronomy 22:8

I absolutely love that this provision is in Scripture.

We are to concern ourselves with the well-being of others. We must build into our homes, our lives, and our ministries safety protocols to ensure the safety of everyone.

That said, we must also concern ourselves with the mental health of our people. Those mothers who needed a break needed the reassurance that they wouldn’t be responsible every.single.week for that children’s class. A rotation needed to be implemented to ensure fairness and rest.

The Guardian of Israel never slumbers nor sleeps, but He knows we all need to rest in His presence. Ministry leaders: ensure that your nursery workers are getting time to worship, too.

“Behold, the Guardian of Israel never slumbers nor sleeps.” Psalm 121:4

Don’t slip off the edge

Ministry issues like the one I just described are enough to make pastors feel like they are going bonkers. The children’s ministry issue was just one of so many strange conflicts that we dealt with over the years. The enemy is astute and always seeking to discourage and devour! And sadly, we have heard those reports of ministry leaders who have gone off the edge, either falling into unfathomable sin or taking their own lives.

I am thankful to the LORD for the patient strength of my husband and the persistence and resilience He gave to both of us as we navigated those situations.

See, the world today is about to fall off a cliff.

And the devil wants to run as many people off that cliff as possible.

Whatever you do, don’t slip off the edge. Don’t take the bait. Wear the armor of the LORD and resist the wiles of the devil. Trust in the Guardian of Israel alone.

I heard one colleague describe it so very simply in a recent sermon: “The world has gone insane!”

D’varim/Deuteronomy speaks to the “severely disordered state of mind” of today’s world

Merriam-Webster defines “insane” as “exhibiting a severely disordered state of mind.”

The world has indeed become severely disordered.

Children are growing up being bombarded by all sorts of things we didn’t have to deal with just 30 years ago.

The author of confusion is working hard to mislead and deceive the next generations

Just recently, my two boys were enrolled in a swimming class at the local YMCA.

There was a boy in the class who was wearing boy’s swimwear but with pink goggles and hoop earrings. The child’s mother insisted that the swimming teacher use female pronouns to describe her son, and this young boy (younger than 10) was being called by a girl’s name.

It was a tragedy to witness.

Because my children are homeschooled, we have been somewhat distanced from this very real reality that has become normal outside of our wonderful little homeschool bubble.

The transgender agenda is being pushed upon children and it is a true battle being waged for the souls of the children of our nation. My children expressed great confusion at having a boy in their class who was being called by a girl’s name. Why should children be exposed to all of this nonsense? It really is so sad. I am thankful that my children know the Guardian of Israel, the Guardian of their souls and their eyes are open to what is going on around them.

The world’s agenda is (mal)aligned with the enemy of our souls, and we must be vigilant to detect how and where the enemy is trying to pull our own children toward the depths of confusion.

A few years ago, I was looking for a tie for my husband to go with a new suit. I was in the men’s section of a department store and I kid you not, practically every single tie was floral! Yes, I know some masculine guys can probably pull off a few flowers, but these were mostly all pink. It took me a long time to finally find something suitable (and masculine-looking). The world aims for the feminization of men and the masculinization of women. The reason for this is simple: the devil thrives on disorder.

I read an interesting commentary recently that rightly observed how the women’s section of stores has degraded into selling mostly things like ripped jeans and stringy tops – as though it is a competition to see who can dress the least classy, the least modestly.

I personally choose to wear skirts and it is next to impossible to find nice ones at the stores. The world of today does not want women to embrace femininity. But what does the Bible say?

“A man’s apparel is not to be on a woman, nor is a man to wear woman’s clothing—for whoever does these things is detestable to ADONAI your God.” Deuteronomy 22:5

The Word of God confirms that there are distinct roles intended for men and for women.

But the world chooses to act in defiance to God’s created order.

We see this with the way the LGBTQ+ movement has reappropriated the rainbow for their cause. The rainbow was intended for the LORD’s children – those who are truly His sons and daughters through faith in His Son, who repent of their sins rather than glorify themselves or their pride.

The severely disordered state of mind (what we call “insanity”) that is infecting the world is a mentality that has also quietly seeped into the church.

The fact that Bible-believers are defending claims of stolen elections, fake news, and practically paving the way for a future American dictator demonstrate that even the church itself has gone astray. Politics and the church really don’t mix.

Is it wonderful when we have elected leaders that care about their evangelical constituents?

Of course.

But we have too many elected leaders that use their evangelical constituents. Many don’t actually care a bit about their constituents or their viewpoints so long as they stay in power. Yet too many who claim to follow the LORD have become blinded to this, convinced the politicians actually want to defend their freedoms. Anyone can spout off propaganda that they care about your freedom, but that alone doesn’t make it true. Be discerning.

How many Christians belligerently refused to wear a mask in the beginning of the pandemic, when it was clear lives were at risk and no immunizations were yet available? It had so much more to do with political parties than actual prudence and those who participated in such behavior ought repent.

Belligerence is not a fruit of the Spirit.

Even if we personally don’t see the need for a new crib mattress or larger budget for the children’s ministry, we need to think of the needs of others so we do not act like the reckless, belligerent world.

God requires prudence, care for our neighbor, and precaution taken. In all situations.

Regardless of political affiliation and personal preferences, we must demonstrate righteousness judgment, kindness, and compassion.

We must be careful that we do not unwittingly become part of the insanity around us.

We must remain level-headed.

True believers have the mind of Messiah! We must act like it!

En guarde: Are you ready for the battle ahead?

I never had a chance to try fencing, but when I was in about the fifth grade, I got to watch a live presentation on the sport from the local university. I’ve always thought it looks like fun! Now I watch my boys with their toy swords having sword fights and I am convinced they would really love it, too.

No one near us teaches the sport, though, so I guess it is just not for us.

I did study French, though, so I know that a common term in fencing is “en guarde!”

You have to be ready, on guard, so you can win a battle.

Are you “en guarde?” Are you:

Prepared with a strategy?

In the right physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual condition?

Wearing the right armor?

Are you ready to be on the offense when necessary, but able to defend yourself?

Do you have the self-awareness to know when you are too aggressive?

Do you know when to take a step back and guard your tongue?

The world is not going to get any better, in fact, things are only going to take a turn for the worse.

How’s that for uplifting?

I do not intend to get you down today. On the contrary, I want you to be ready.

I want you to be confident and actually quite enthusiastic because the crazier this world gets, the brighter we can shine because we know our redemption is near.

“Now when these things begin to happen, stand straight and lift up your heads, because your salvation is near!” Luke 21:28

The Guardian of Israel wants to guard you and protect you

Your salvation is near if you have trusted in the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua (Jesus Christ). The Guardian of Israel who neither slumbers nor sleeps is ever so perfectly aware of the world we are living in and He has done all He can so we can be in the world, but not of it. The world will perpetually choose darkness and confusion, but you are placed in this world to show the Light of Messiah, that some perhaps would choose the way of salvation.

The Guardian of Israel will guard you and protect you if you will walk in His ways!

The Word of God is like our safety net:

The world rejects order and discipline.

The world chooses recklessness and darkness.

The world mocks those who would build a guardrail, deriding them by saying they worry too much.

Be a light. Yes, we have faith which triumphs over fear, but we also seek to live prudently so that we will honor the Word of the LORD.

Our homes and houses of worship must be safe places so that everyone may thrive!

Trust in the Guardian of Israel, YHWH, the LORD Most High today!

Is there something from which you particularly need the LORD’s protection today? Have you ever faced a struggle or conflict in ministry? How have you overcome those challenges? Do you have a favorite Bible verse that helps you endure? How can we pray for you or your ministry today? Do you have a testimony that you would like to share about how the LORD has protected you and your family? We’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment/reply below! Also, please consider subscribing to our monthly newsletter so you can keep updated and receive extra resources straight to your inbox! We promise not to overwhelm your inbox.

The Tabernacle’s skilled artisans

Parashat V’yekhel (Shemot/Exodus 35-38:20)

Skill + Dedication + Divine Inspiration

Exodus 35-38 describes the preparations needed for the realization of the Tabernacle’s construction. It answers these types of questions:

What materials? How much would people need to contribute? Who would gather the measurements? What other objects would be made? Who were the Tabernacle’s skilled artisans?

Along with the Tabernacle would be the tent, pillars, bases, the Ark of the Covenant, a menorah, table, incense altar, and holy anointing oil. It was quite an undertaking!

Exodus 35:14

It would require skill.


And, some divine inspiration.

Exodus 35:10 says “Let every wise-hearted man among you come and make everything that ADONAI has commanded . . .” (emphasis added)

The High Value of Artisanship

Some translations read “gifted artisans” here. Every gifted artisan was to come help with the project. At that time, to be an artisan wasn’t some undervalued, underfunded craft. The Tabernacle budget wasn’t cutting out art! Quite the contrary! Artisanship was so important that the very Spirit of the LORD filled selected individuals with the gifts needed for intricate, beautiful art. God invested in the Tabernacle’s skilled artisans!

And lest you think this was a select club for men only, worry not!

Exodus 35:25 “Also all the women who were wise-hearted spun with their hands, and brought what they had woven—the blue, purple, scarlet and fine linen.” (emphasis added)

Chakam-lev חֲכַם־ לֵ֖ב

The term found in Scripture here is chakam-lev. It refers to the skilled, to those who literally are wise of heart. Most English language Bible translations translate this term as “gifted or skilled artisan.” The TLV (Tree of Life Version) Bible translation chooses the literal translation of “wise of heart.” Thus, the TLV is expressing more literally this Hebrew term. Nevertheless, the NKJV and NIV’s translations using “skilled craftsman” or gifted artisan” help us more wholly understand the term.

So to be a “gifted artisan” is to be “wise of heart.”

Now isn’t that interesting?

“Chakam-lev” literally means “wise of heart”

It is rare to use the word “wise” to describe artists in our society. Most do not receive well-deserved compensation for their efforts, and they live in the shadows, somewhat outcast due to lack of funding and perceived instability.

Indeed, artists are often misunderstood.They have to defend their work because most of us don’t quite “get” their level of creativity. Just the other day, I had an email conversation with the author/illustrator of the Word for Word Bible Comic I reviewed for him. I wasn’t grasping why he had chosen to use a specific image for a page in his forthcoming Gospel of Luke graphic novel. I imagine he finds himself explaining many different illustrations to people who might have different perspectives.

Being an artist isn’t easy!

Yet talented artists have a gift that most of us do not possess.

And that gift comes from God! God who Himself is an Artist: the Potter who molds us and the Painter who created the beautiful canvas of the universe.

Isaiah 64:7

The LORD chose two men, Betzelel and Oholiab, for the artisan work needed for the Tabernacle.

Again, notice Scripture describes the Tabernacle’s skilled artisans as “wise-hearted” and “filled with wisdom of heart.”

Then Adonai spoke to Moses saying, “See, I have called by name Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, understanding and knowledge in all kinds of craftsmanship, to make ingenious designs, to forge with gold, silver and bronze, as well as cutting stones for setting and carving wood, to work in all manner of craftsmanship. Also look, I Myself have appointed with him Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. Within the hearts of all who are wise-hearted I have placed skill, so that they may make everything that I have commanded you.” Exodus 31:1-6 (emphasis added)

“Then Moses said to Bnei-Yisrael, “See, Adonai has called by name Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. He has filled him with the Ruach of God, with wisdom, understanding and knowledge, in all manner of craftsmanship,  to make ingenious designs, to work in gold, silver and bronze, as well as cutting gemstones for setting, wood carving, to make all kinds of skillful craftsmanship.  He has also placed in his heart the ability to teach—both he and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. He has filled them with wisdom of heart to forge all the works of an engraver, an artisan, and an embroiderer in blue, purple, scarlet and in fine linen, as well as weaving—they can perform every craft and ingenious designs.” Exodus 35:30-35 (emphasis added)

The Tabernacle was literally built with Wisdom!

By wisdom a house is built,
by understanding it is prepared,
 and by knowledge its rooms are filled
with every rare and pleasing treasure.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) is Wisdom Incarnate. (The Proverbs express Wisdom as personified). Thus, He was ever-present in the Tabernacle! From start to finish, Wisdom inspired the craftsmen. He chose to dwell among us and prepare a meeting place.

Now, are you ready for this?

Betzalel’s name in Hebrew means “under the protection of God!”

And Oholiab (also spelled Aholiab) means “the Father’s tent“!

Oholiab was working on the Tent of Meeting! It was to be the Father’s tent!

And when you are in the Father’s tent, surely you are under the protection of the Almighty One!

Our Heavenly Father wanted His Presence to be near us, despite the separation that was occurring due to the curse of sin and death. The Father’s tent was the place where heaven could meet earth, even if only temporary. He made a temporary way, a temporary dwelling place, but the veil was still separating us. The Holy of Holies was restricted to the high priests and the yearly days of atonement. But He sent His Son! God’s selfless Son, Messiah Jesus, came to restore what had been lost. He was the Word Incarnate and came to dwell among us. Now, His Spirit dwells within us!

See how every aspect of Scripture points to the Good News?!

Isn’t that absolutely stunning?

It leaves me speechless (which, if you know me, that’s incredibly hard to do!).

The Tent of Meeting

Truly, the Tent of Meeting was the Father’s tent.

Tents are so important to God there is even a Biblical feast featuring them!

Every year, during the Feast of Tabernacles (aka Sukkot), all of Israel is to build temporary structures (tents!) to live in for the duration of the feast. Many English Bibles translate these tents as “booths” or “tabernacles.” The Hebrew term for these temporary dwellings is “sukkah.”

Nearly every Christian believer is familiar with John 1:14a: “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”

But most people do not realize that the term “dwelt” there literally means “tabernacled.” The TLV translates it this way:

“And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us.” (John 1:14a, emphasis added)

John 1:14

I hope you are able to see how the sukkah represents so much Biblical revelation! He came to dwell among us, to tabernacle with us – to celebrate the goodness of Life and to show us the Way of His Salvation.

More than enough

Exodus 36 describes how Betzalel and Oholiab led the work and many other wise-hearted men joined in the effort.

The people worked wholeheartedly and selflessly. So much so, the Tabernacle’s skilled artisans noticed. They said to Moses, “The people are bringing much more than enough for the work of this construction that ADONAI has commanded to be done.” Exodus 36:5

What an example for our congregations today!

They actually had to stop making so many preparations!

Moses gave an order to restrain people from bringing anything more.

For the work material they had was sufficient for all the work, with much left over.” Ex.36:7

When we do our work in alignment with the will of our Father, there will always be abundance. There will always be enough and more than enough. There may be setbacks and times when we don’t sense any bit of abundance, but if we persist in faith, it will come.

Final thoughts for today

Finally, if there is just one thing I would want my readers to take away from this is that every tiny detail in Scripture always points back to revelation of God. Even the clasps of gold for the curtains were to be coupled together by the Tabernacle’s skilled artisans “so that the Tabernacle was One.” (Ex.36:13). This immediately brings to mind the Shema, that the Lord is One. When you read the Bible, look for these small details! They may seem insignificant, but I assure you, they aren’t.

So, I hope you have enjoyed delving a bit into Exodus today and learning a bit more about the Tabernacle’s skilled artisans! I would love to hear your insights. What is it you have found in the Scriptures today? How is this passage of encouragement to you? Do you know any artists or architects who have felt under-appreciated? Is there someone you can encourage today with the Word of God? Please leave a comment and share on social media! Let’s increase Biblical literacy among believers so we can be a light for unbelievers!

What would you ask from Yeshua?

I was reading a book last night by Dr.Amy-Jill Levine. It was sent to me and I’m going to be writing a blog review for it soon. Update: Here is a link to my review: The Difficult Words of Jesus. While Dr. Levine and I definitely have our theological differences, I was struck by one very simple, but poignant question she posed. The rich young ruler of the Gospels was so preoccupied with storing up treasures in both earth and heaven that he wanted to know what he had to do to inherit eternal life – so he could fill up his heavenly “vault,” as Levine put it. The question that sparked my interest was this: if you were in that situation, able to stop Jesus in His tracks to ask Him any question in the world, what would you ask? What would you say?

What would you ask Yeshua?

Would you ask Him what it takes to “earn” eternal life? Demand a heavenly inheritance? Plea for salvation? Would you humbly ask for a healing? Would you ask something deeply theological, or would you stick to something more temporal?

In 1 Kings, King Solomon has the opportunity to ask anything of God.

He could’ve asked for details about what happens in the next life or the world to come. But he asks for something quite unexpected, and much much different than the riches sought by the young ruler in the Gospel story.

The fact that the Eternal One directs Solomon to ask Him for something, to ask for anything at all is shocking.

It is shocking because it is unexpected, but it is also shocking because at the time, Solomon was walking in obvious disobedience.

King Solomon knew full well who God is, and his duty to honor the God of Israel as he ruled. After all, his father was King David who wrote most of the Psalms! Surely King Solomon had no excuse when he practiced idolatry and lustfully sought out his many wives. Solomon knew better than to worship pagan gods!

This Psalm, penned by King Solomon’s father, King David, speaks of the glorious ascent to the hill of YHVH.

Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD?
Or who may stand in His holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully.
He shall receive blessing from the LORD,
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.

Psalm 24:3-5

It is certainly conceivable Solomon had his father’s words ringing in his ears as he

climbed up . . . not to a Holy Place, but to

the pagan

high place in Gibeon

to singe a thousand burnt offerings and incense.

On top of that, Shlomo (Solomon in Hebrew) had just married Pharaoh’s daughter. Shouldn’t he be feeling ashamed by now?

Many of us are well aware that Solomon’s foreign wives inspired him to pursue pagan practices. Yet even to this day Solomon is known for something else: his wisdom. God’s mercy, long-suffering, and patience really are remarkable.

What Solomon had in his favor is recorded in 1 Kings 3:3, “Solomon loved the LORD . . . “

Loving the LORD makes up the difference. His mercy endures forever.

On one particular trip up the Gibeon mountain, the trek plus the mountain air allowed Solomon to fall asleep that night. He probably didn’t have to count Israeli sheep in order to fall asleep. I imagine he fell into a fairly deep sleep just from the day’s activities.

The LORD Almighty, the Sovereign One, the Only True God, came to Solomon in a dream.

No messenger sent, no angel. God Himself appears to Solomon in the dream and says to him,

“Ask! What shall I give you?” (1 Kings 3:5)

Solomon burned sacrifices not to YHVH, but to false gods, in this very place. But to demonstrate His Omnipresence and Perfect Sovereignty, Adonai challenges Solomon to go ahead, ask for something.

A conversation King to king

Solomon is king (melech) of Israel and in a sense, the LORD is treating him that way. Being a king, surely Solomon was used to asking for things and getting them. There are no restrictions, there are no asterisks, no strings attached.

There are no limits because the LORD is God of the entire universe.

Any other supposed deity would have to place a limitation. A blue genie could get trapped in a bottle along with the three wishes he might be offering. A less-than-Almighty god would have to say:

“Ask for something within reason.”

“Please keep it under 100 shekels.”

“There will be a 10% service charge, which will be handled by your next tithe.”

Solomon is allowed to ask the LORD Most High for absolutely anything because He is able to do absolutely anything.

YHVH is All-Powerful, unlike a genie in a bottle

If you could ask God for anything, would you want jewels? tools?

If you were the king or queen of Israel, what would you want? More wealth and riches?

Solomon doesn’t ask for any of these things, not even a new pet camel.

“What do you want, Solomon, what should I give you?

King Solomon is ready to answer, but first he is sure to flatter YHVH a little. Smart thinking. Maybe he felt an extra need to show honor and deference to Elohim if he was laden with guilt from his unfaithfulness. That or, like a wife trying to butter up her husband to complete a honey-do list, first she reminds him how much she loves him, appreciates him, and couldn’t live without him. Right? 🙂

Solomon begins to praise God and thank Him for the kindness He has shown to his father David. Solomon acknowledges his immaturity and demonstrates humility (1 Kings 3:6-8). He expresses how he views the situation he lives in, this context of governance over a chosen, great, and numerous people.

Only after all of that does Solomon dare to say what he would like from God.

Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” 1 Kings 3:9, emphasis added

Understanding and discernment.

In other words, wisdom.

Notice, King Solomon never says “wisdom.” He only describes it.

In Hebrew, the word for wisdom is chokhmah, and it is not found anywhere in this text, even though traditionally wisdom has been ascribed to Solomon. The Proverbs attributed to Solomon, however, do employ this term frequently. Here in 1 Kings 3, a form of the word chokhmah is used, chakham, but only by God Himself. God answers Solomon’s request for understanding and discernment by calling it wisdom (chakham).

It is quite evident that King Solomon avoids using the word chokhmah or any form thereof in his request of God.

So we must ask the question: why?

Perhaps it can be dismissed as too much of a technicality, but I do believe there is more to it.

Solomon may have been hesitant to ask for wisdom because in the culture of his day, despite being a king, he was asking a lot.

As early as the writings of Job, Jewish tradition has always held that wisdom is costlier than gold and silver (Job 28:12-15).

Maybe he thought it was too much to ask.

Wisdom is also personified in Scripture, interpreted as a divine attribute of God and embodied by Messiah Himself. While Solomon did not yet know his Messiah, Wisdom Incarnate, he would have had reverence regarding the subject of God’s Wisdom.

He had mustered his courage, and this pleased the LORD.

The speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing. Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you. And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days. So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.”

1 Kings 3:10-14, NKJV, emphasis added

The LORD assures Solomon that he will give him wisdom and fame. He adds riches and honor to the package, but now He does add an asterisk:

“You will have all of this and a long life, if you walk in My ways as your father David did.”

God will hold King Solomon accountable – He wants Solomon to do what is right.

Solomon awakens from his dream, heads straight to Jerusalem to offer legitimate sacrifice there to Adonai, and holds a party for his servants (1 Kings 3:15).

“And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore.” 1 Kings 4:29

King Solomon had so many great achievements, most importantly, the construction of the Temple. He was known for his sayings and proverbs, his riches and influence. But despite all of that, his heart strayed from the LORD. Lust was in the family line, and he seems to have inherited a generational curse. Because Solomon continued in disobedience, the Lord assured him the kingdom would be torn away under the reign of his son and that is exactly what happened.

What would you ask Yeshua?

We are all given the opportunity to ask God anything because He has made a way for us through Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). He might not come to us in a dream, but He is willing to listen to us because of His amazing grace.

He may not give us exactly what we want, but we definitely have the opportunity to share our heart with Him and He knows our deepest desires. Next time you are in prayer, ask of Him, and I know He will answer you in love. Learn from Solomon’s mistakes: keep a repentant heart, and go after the things of God, not the ways of the world.

The Father sent His Son to die for you. He loves you. Surely it is not too much for you to ask for something that is weighing on your heart, if you ask in humility, it shall be done for you.

Are you able to have a conversation with the LORD?

Are you in relationship with Him?

If you are sincerely sorry for your sins and your mistakes and your character flaws that sometimes get the best of you . . . and you have decided that you will trust in Him to help you change and turn away from continuing in sin, and if you have accepted the Truth that Yeshua (Jesus) is the King of Israel and would like Him to be the King of your heart, then you absolutely can be in communion and conversation with Him. Nothing can separate you from His love – and Messiah Yeshua bridged the gap between sin and darkness to enable you to be able to trust Him today with your life and your salvation. Believe in Him, obey His Word, and do not be afraid to go to Him in prayer. He hears you when you pray!

I hope this blog post has encouraged you! Please leave a comment, and consider subscribing! And, if you’d like, let’s connect on social media! Find us on PinterestFacebook, and Twitter. Shalom!

1 Kings 4