The Wonderful Words of Life

Parashat D’varim (Deuteronomy 1-3:22) 5782 B”H

The Book of “Words”

The book of Deuteronomy is known as “D’varim” in Hebrew, which simply means, “Words.”

D’varim is comprised of 34 chapters, so yes, there are many words!

Our English term, “Deuteronomy” comes from the Greek term in the Septuagint, “deuteronomion,” which means “Second Law.” This is a misnomer; however. The Tree of Life Bible Introduction to Deuteronomy recognizes this and aptly states, “There is no second Torah.” It is a “second telling” of that which has already been told, the law and story of Israel, a recap for the next generation of Israelites.

Just as it was then, it remains important to continue to tell the story – HIStory: the marvelous true story of the LORD’s unfolding plan of salvation.

The wonderful words of life.

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Wonderful Words of Life

Do you know that wonderful hymn? It is a great song to remind us of the beauty of the Word of God.

For the full lyrics and even Spanish translation, check out this page on Hymnary. Here’s a recording you might enjoy listening to today:

From stuttering to speech-giving

In D’varim (Deuteronomy), Moshe (Moses) has matured in his ministry role.

We must smile for a moment. Moshe the reluctant stutterer is now providing full speeches! D’varim records three of his speeches addressing the growing nation of Israel.

Moshe overcame his fear of using words!

This is a lesson for us: if we fear public speaking or get nervous sharing the Good News of salvation with strangers, we can overcome those fears and anxieties. Moshe knew that he needed to provide pastoral instruction to the Israelites, just as we are called to live out the Great Commission.

Sometimes we overcome our fears because there is a need. If we place the need above our personal preferences and pray that the LORD by the power of His Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) helps us, we can overcome and be used mightily for the salvation of souls.

Moshe did this and served as a spokesman for God. Then, One-Greater-Than-Moses came: Yeshua (Jesus). Yeshua was also a spokesman for God, but there is a key difference: Yeshua IS God!

HIS Word is so valuable, we must share the Good News that Yeshua has come!

May He help us share the wonderful words of life.

D’var HaShem (Lit.: “The Word of the Name”): The Word of God

The Hebrew term דָּבָר Davar (D’var) (plural: d’varim) is translated in the Septuagint (the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible) using the terms “logos” and “rhema.” “In the beginning was the Word (Λόγος/logos) and the Word (Λόγος/logos) was with God and the Word (Λόγος/logos) was God.” John 1:1

So, “In the beginning was the Davar and the Davar was with God and the Davar was God.” John 1:1

I point this out so that you can see a link between Deuteronomy and the Gospels. Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) quoted from Deuteronomy frequently! When He was tempted in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11) He used the words of Deuteronomy to fend off the devil. Why Deuteronomy? It is a very practical book and contains the Sh’ma (Deuteronomy 6:4-9): the prayer that would become central to Jewish religious practice.

The Words, the D’varim, could be used as armor. Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) shows us that if we know the Bible, if we memorize Scripture, we can combat the fiery darts (Ephesians 6:16) of hasatan (satan) – and win!

There is power in those words because they are D’varim HaShem. They are the Words given by God. Divine words that all came together in the person of the Holy Word, the Word Incarnate – D’var HaShem, our LORD and Savior Yeshua (Jesus).

The Prophet Greater than Moses

Moses is so very revered by the Jewish tradition that to say anyone could be greater signifies a great deal. Many Jewish people today do not believe in Messiah because they do not realize that the One Greater-than-Moses has come. Great efforts have been taken to avoid using passages of Scripture such as Isaiah 53 in synagogue services so that Jewish people will not contemplate that the passage is talking about Yeshua of Nazareth. This is tragic! If you are able to befriend a Jewish person, you must share with them the d’varim of Isaiah 53 so they can see how this Scripture has been fulfilled in Messiah.

Just as Moshe gives a long discourse in D’varim, Messiah Yeshua gave a long discourse for the Sermon on the Mount. Messiah was proving He is the Prophet of whom Moshe spoke in Deuteronomy 18:15 – the One who would come and must be listened to! I love the way Dr. Christopher Smith explains this: . . . the farewell speech of the first Moses provides the inaugural content for the new Moses.” Moshe himself prophesied of Messiah:

ADONAI your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your midst—from your brothers. To him you must listen.” Deuteronomy 18:15

Words Devarim Deuteronomy 18 15

This Scripture assures us that there will indeed be someone greater than Moses, and we know and the Scriptures testify that in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) alone we have eternal life (John 5:39).

So share the wonderful words of life with someone today, that you may be an instrument, a spokesperson for the kingdom of God!

Just as the unbelieving Jewish people need to know Messiah, the believing Christians in our world need to know their connection to Israel. How much more deeply can we know our Savior if we understand the Messianic prophecies and His connection to the Jewish nation! May you be blessed today by His Word! Join us in praying for the nation of Israel, that unbelieving Jewish people would come to know their Messiah. We are praying also for Christian believers to learn more about the Jewish roots of their faith! Please leave a comment below and share with your friends!

Balaam & Balak: Conspiring to curse Israel

Parashat Balak (B’midbar/Numbers 22-25) 5781 B”H (Updated 7/15/22 5782, 10/23/23 5784)

A king and a prophet-for-profit (Balak and Balaam)

Numbers 22-25 contains the complex account of King Balak of Moab and Balaam, a pagan prophet-for-hire.

King Balak was terrified of what would come to his kingdom once the Israelites arrived.

Israel had just decimated the Amorites, so this king had reason to be concerned.

Balak’s fear rubbed off on his people. Numbers 22:3 says “Moab was filled with dread because of B’nei Y’Israel [the children of Israel].” The Moabites knew Israel was strong, both in number and in power.

King Balak believed in the supernatural realm. He professed faith in Balaam’s powers: “I know that whoever you bless will be blessed and whoever you curse will be accursed!” (Num.22:6). Clearly, Balaam had a reputation as a divination expert in the region. Balaam has been called a “prophet for profit” and the “seer who couldn’t see.” He didn’t get these nicknames for no reason. He had a prophetic gifting and even interacted with the LORD God of Israel, but he was much more interested in collecting divination fees than seeking the will of ADONAI.

A Talking Donkey, Border-line Animal Abuse, and a Message

King Balak wanted Prophet Balaam to curse Israel in hopes that he could fight against the Israelites and win.

Balaam had every intention of fulfilling the king’s request through his oracles, but the God of Israel told him not to curse Israel because they are blessed.

If you have never read the account, I encourage you to do so because you will read about a talking donkey, border-line animal abuse, and a special messenger/angel of the LORD with a message for this selfish prophet.

Why rely on the media to inform you of stuff that is “strange but true?” You can’t make this stuff up, nor would you want to. Read Numbers 22 for yourself here.

The error of Balaam described by Jude (Judah) and Peter

Once a pagan, always a pagan, in the case of Balaam. This is not a redemption story.

The lost man, in this case, Balaam, despite encountering the living presence of the Almighty, doesn’t end up found in the sense of being saved.

He was found guilty.

Peddling prophecies.

Desirous of personal financial gain.

Peter writes that Balaam “loved the wages of unrighteousness.”

"They have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; but he was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb donkey speaking with a man’s voice restrained the madness of the prophet."  2 Peter 2:15-16, emphases added

G.K.Beale and D.A. Carson’s Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament describe Balaam’s sin:

“The rebuke that Balaam received from the donkey . . . was the result of miraculous intervention by God, but Peter emphasizes the ironic symbolism: Balaam’s sin was irrational, and he was rebuked by an irrational beast.”

Beale, 1056

Likewise, Judah (known more commonly in English as Jude) categorizes Balaam right along with other ungodly people who have gone before, from the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, Cain, and Korah, all acting “like animals” who have no reason.

"Woe to them!  For they went the way of Cain; they were consumed for pay in Balaam's error; and in Korah's rebellion they have been destroyed.  These people are hidden rocky reefs at your love feasts - shamelessly feasting with you, tending only to themselves.  They are waterless clouds, carried along by winds; fruitless trees in ate autumn, doubly dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, foaming up there own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever."  Judah (Jude) 1:11-13, emphasis added

The gloom of utter darkness.

Well, that sounds horrible.

And it is!

And it is real!

What we can learn from the false doctrine of Balaam

Balaam thought “a little sin” wouldn’t do any harm. That just wasn’t true.

Balaam’s demise should be a lesson to the lukewarm. There are so many people who attend churches and congregations, yet have little love in their hearts. So many people claim to be pastors and teachers, prophets and evangelists, but they either have given up the anointing or have sought to use it for selfish gain.

We must beware of the false doctrines that prevail, and seek only the LORD and His Truth.

Too many believers today think that if they have one foot in the door to heaven, they can experiment a bit with the other foot.

That’s a bad idea because before they know it, they will slip on the uneven ground.

Follow the way of the LORD – stay true to Him and His Word, and He will guide You in His Perfect way.

Balaam ended up blessing Israel and prophesying of the coming Messiah!

As much as Balaam didn’t want to admit it, he knew he couldn’t get away with cursing Israel.

He rightly states in Numbers 23:8, “How can I curse one whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce one whom ADONAI has not denounced?”

Balaam Balak Num 23 8

King Balak becomes desperate, “What have you done to me? I brought you to curse my enemies, but look, you’ve actually blessed them!” Numbers 23:11

Balaam continues, “There is no sorcery effective against Jacob, nor any divination against Israel! Now it will be said of Jacob and Israel, ‘See what God has done!'” Numbers 23:23

King Balak urges Balaam to just stop already! Balak says, “Do not curse them or bless them at all!” (Numbers 23:25).

Both of these pagan men are starting to understand: Israel is untouchable because Israel belongs to God!

Balaam gives an oracle about the beauty of the Israelites’ tents and the victories that God’s people will continue to enjoy.

In the fourth oracle particularly, Balaam prophesies of the coming of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah.

"I see Him, yet not in this location.  For a star will come from Jacob, a scepter will arise from Israel . . . '"  (Numbers 24:17)

The prophecy ends with various descriptions of Israel’s triumphs.

Balaam and Balak, defeated, went their own separate ways. (Numbers 24:25).

Sometimes the enemy will try to raise up all kind of chaos in your life. If you remain faithful to Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Son of God, the devil will eventually have to give up and move on. The victory is guaranteed, if you will continue to trust in Him.

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

Update 10/23/23:

This morning I received a wonderful question on our Facebook page inbox regarding Numbers 23:21.

“He has not observed iniquity in Jacob,
Nor has He seen wickedness in Israel.
The LORD his God is with him,
And the shout of a King is among them.”

This is a rare case in which I actually prefer the NIV translation here:

“No misfortune is seen in Jacob,
    no misery observed in Israel.
The LORD their God is with them;
    the shout of the King is among them.

My brother in Christ was asking if this would be considered a Messianic prophecy.

I responded that yes, I believe this is a Messianic prophecy because Balaam wanted so very much to curse Israel (but again see Numbers 23:8 in which he discovers that is altogether impossible). The LORD puts His Word into Balaam’s mouth and Balaam ultimately finds himself prophesying about the future – including the coming Messiah.

Israel is at war today.

The Messianic prophecy of Numbers 23:21 is indeed an uplifting promise for us to remember today and to share with our friends in Israel.

There shall be a time when “no misfortune is seen in Jacob”

and “no misery observed in Israel.”

This verse gives us the certainty that we know the LORD their God is with them – the King, the Lion of Judah, and ultimately Israel will have victory and the shout of our King will be heard.


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