Yosef’s (Joseph’s) spiritual gifts

Parashot Miketz (B‘reishit/Genesis 41-44:17), Vayigash (B’reishit/Genesis 44:18 – 47:27, (B’reishit/Vayechi Genesis 47:28 – 50) 5783 B”H

Yosef (Joseph) was blessed with spiritual gifts that helped him overcome adversity and rise to an important position in the Egyptian government.

“Then Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can a man like this be found, one in whom is God’s Spirit?” Genesis 41:38

The Spiritual Gifts/Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh)

When we think about the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh), we very rightly turn to the B’rit Hadasha (New Testament), namely 1 Corinthians 12:8ff:

“For to one is given through the Ruach a word of wisdom, to another a word of knowledge according to the same Ruach, to another faith by the same Ruach, to another gifts of healings by the one Ruach, to another workings of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Ruach activates all these things, distributing to each person individually as He wills.” 1 Corinthians 12:8-11.

spiritual gifts of Ruach Elohim

We know that these spiritual gifts continue to operate today and that the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) provides these supernatural spiritual gifts to empower believers to reach the world with the life-saving and life-changing Good News of our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ). These gifts have absolutely not ceased! They continue to bless the people of God around the world.

The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) include:

  1. Word of Wisdom
  2. Word of Knowledge
  3. Faith
  4. Healings
  5. Working of Miracles
  6. Prophecy
  7. Discerning of spirits
  8. Speaking in tongues
  9. Interpretation of tongues

Yosef clearly walked in wisdom and faith. The Bible testifies that he was not only favored, but also productive:

“A fruitful son is Joseph, a fruitful son beside a spring — daughters walk along a wall.” Genesis 49:22, TLV

“Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall.” Genesis 49:22, NKJV

Hebrew is a visual language, painting pictures with words. The same term is used to describe both “daughters” and “branches” which is why there are differences in the translations above. In any case, Yosef (Joseph) was revered as an exemplar son.

Romans 12:6-8 also describes spiritual gifts given to believers:

“We have gifts that differ according to the grace that was given to us — if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; or the one who teaches, in his teaching; or the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who gives, in generosity; the one who leads, with diligence; the one who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.”

The Gifts of the Spirit . . . in the book of Genesis?

The “infilling of the Holy Spirit” (Ruach haKodesh), also known as the “baptism of the Holy Spirit,” occurred following Yeshua’s (Jesus’) ascension into heaven. What made the Pentecostal event so unique is that it had lasting effect: every single believer present and in prayer received the promise of the Father. The Comforter would now dwell inside the believers and empower them with the spiritual gifts to reach the world with the Full Gospel.

In the book of B’reishit/Genesis, as well as the rest of Tanakh (the Old Testament), the Spirit of the LORD came upon individuals, for certain tasks, for certain times. One could be filled with the Holy Spirit, but it appears to have been more of a temporary anointing.

This is important because Yosef (Joseph) was therefore able to operate under the anointing of the LORD even though this was pre-Shavu’ot (pre-Pentecost). Yosef (Joseph) was filled with custom-tailored spiritual gifts that would manifest as he interacted with those around him.

Even Pharaoh noticed:

“Then Pharaoh said to his servants, ‘Can a man like this be found, one in whom is God’s Spirit?’” Genesis 41:38

The pharaoh – the king over a wealthy nation steeped in its own complex mythology was able to recognize that the Spirit of God was in Yosef (Joseph).

Yosef’s Prophetic Dreams and Ability to Interpret Dreams

From a young age, Yosef (Joseph) had prophetic dreams.

Rightly does Yeshua (Jesus) teach us: “Truly, I tell you, ‘No prophet is accepted in his own hometown.’” Luke 4:24

Those early dreams really didn’t need interpretation – their meaning was immediately evident to Yosef’s (Joseph’s) brothers, and they were infuriated.

While the means by which Yosef (Joseph) arrived in Egypt was far from pleasant, he was actually better off away from his native land. His prophetic giftings would be perceived differently in Egypt: his spiritual gifts were valuable to Pharaoh and the other Egyptian officials!

The Pharaoh’s cupbearer and the baker had dreams that they could not understand:

“Then Joseph said to them, “Don’t interpretations belong to God? Please tell me.” Genesis 40:8

Yosef (Joseph) wisely recognized that the ability to interpret dreams required submission to the God of Israel.

When Pharaoh, too, dreamed, Yosef (Joseph) was also able to interpret those dreams.

Shalom for . . . Pharaoh?

Demonstrating wise leadership skills, Yosef (Joseph) also very astutely helped the Pharaoh to have peace with the process:

“Then Joseph answered Pharaoh saying, ‘It’s not within me. God will answer with shalom for Pharaoh.’” Genesis 41:16

This granted him great favor in the land of Egypt and propelled his successful future forward. It didn’t matter where he was from or the struggles he had had to endure, he was an immigrant to Egypt and would serve as second-in-command to Pharaoh.

When the enemy has planned evil, remember, God plans it for good:

“Yes, you yourselves planned evil against me. God planned it for good, in order to bring about what it is this day—to preserve the lives of many people.” Genesis 50:20

Pharaoh usually represents the enemy, but this pharaoh was actually good to Yosef and his people, so this Pharaoh was blessed with shalom.

Prophetic Giftings can make the enemy very nervous

A New Pharaoh

Yosef (Joseph) was like a token Hebrew. He represented the Hebrew/Israelite people (whether he wanted to or not!). They were a minority in Egypt, but their numbers were growing.

By Exodus 1:8-9, a new Pharaoh had ascended to the throne and was distressed about the number of God’s people who were living in Egypt.

Yosef (Joseph) had died by then, but his life had left a legacy and as spiritual gifts are meant to do – the Israelite people had been empowered in knowing that one of their own had served Pharaoh so closely.

The new Pharaoh didn’t know Yosef (Joseph) nor his spiritual gifts, but perhaps he had heard some stories. He didn’t have the shalom that was brought about by listening to God’s servant as in the days of Yosef (Joseph).

He clearly perceived the Israelites as a threat to the security of his nation.

Why a threat? Maybe he had heard that there lived among the Hebrews . . .

Some who had supernatural abilities . . .

Some who had the ability to interpret dreams without calling upon the gods of the Egyptians . . .

Some who served a God who foretold and controlled prosperity and famine . . .

Only the LORD God of Israel alone could provide true dream interpretation and true spiritual gifts.

That could be very unsettling to a ruler who had paid seers and magicians to plead with their gods and use works of imitation as part of the national culture.

If your spiritual gifting is making the enemy nervous, you are probably doing something right!

The Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) is at work today

Do you realize that today, God has given us amazing spiritual power? It is so abundantly clear that we are living in the last days foretold by the Prophet Yo’el (Joel):

“And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.” Joel 2:28-29

Those who serve the LORD will prophesy and dream dreams and see visions. The outpouring of the Spirit of the Most High has blessed entire nations.

Missionaries report that in Iran today, so many people are receiving dreams and visions of our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) that they are converting en masse! New believers are being baptized in a country that is so hostile to the Gospel. The LORD continues to work! We must pray for the Iranian believers!

There are so many other examples of how the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) is working in the world today. And YOU have the opportunity to be a part of that!

Pharaoh noticed that the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) was in Yosef (Joseph):

Has anyone ever said that about you?

Is it that abundantly clear to a nonbeliever that in YOU dwells the very Spirit of the LORD by adoption and mercy?

Is it obvious that God’s Holy Spirit works in you and through you to bless others and testify of His power and greatness?

How are you using your spiritual gifts for His glory?

Today, seek the LORD’s will for your life. Ask Him to use your spiritual gifts for the purposes of His Kingdom. May you walk in favor, like Yosef!

Order & Anointing: How Numbers 1-3 prove these go hand-in-hand

Parashat B’midbar (B’midbar/Numbers 1-4:20) 5782 B”H

Numbers chapter 1 begins in the wilderness of Sinai. We are given the very specific date when the LORD spoke to Moses regarding a census.

It is a very orderly book, with very specific details and instructions. Truly, all of God’s Word and, especially the Torah, is well-ordered, and I hope you will be able to see how the divinely-established orderliness goes hand-in-hand with the anointing upon the Israelites.

There was to be a census of those men who could fight for Israel.

Simply, every Israelite son aged 20+ would have to serve in the Israelite army (Numbers 1:3).

It had been 2 years after the Exodus from Egypt. Specifically, the first day of the second month, 2 years later.

The encampment at Mount Sinai would have been taking shape as a full-fledged community meaning Israelite families and their assets would require protection as the community grew.

Men were looked to as protectors. They were numbered so that they could be assigned to their military divisions.

I am aware of feminist interpretations of this passage suggesting that God is somehow “unfair.” Feminists make the mistaken claim that the LORD “ignored” all the women because Numbers 1 only talks about men. Well, I grew up under feminist theology, so let me tell you plainly: it’s a bunch of nonsense. If God didn’t value women, He wouldn’t have gathered up the men to do the protecting: women would’ve been left to fend for themselves.

Men are naturally stronger. This doesn’t make women inferior, just different. We have different roles, that’s all. We do well to live in the order YHVH has established. We will experience the anointing of the LORD on our households when we live as He has prescribed.

The Bible says there were 603,550 men able to go out with the army of Israel (Numbers 1:46).

Certainly, that would suggest a large number of women and children! What a blessing that so many men would be able to protect them.

Numbers 2 defines the expected order for each of the military groups.

I love how the Scriptures are very orderly.

The fact that the Scriptures are so orderly reflects the orderliness of our Heavenly Father.

He has everything well thought out, organized, and He cares about how each facet of how His creation functions.

Sometimes passages like these from Numbers seem tedious or irrelevant, but if you will slow down and look at the wider context, you will discover many treasures even in these words. Likewise, for what to do when the Scriptures make you squirm, check out this recent post on “The Value of Human Life“.

Numbers 3 gives greater depth to a theme introduced in Leviticus 1:47-51a regarding the roles of the Levites. Here is that passage:

The Levites, however, were not counted by the tribe of their ancestors, for ADONAI told Moses saying, “Definitely you are not to number the tribe of Levi, nor take the sum of them among Bnei-Yisrael. Instead, you are to appoint the Levites over the Tabernacle of the Testimony, over all its implements and all pertaining to it. They are to carry the Tabernacle and all its utensils, tend to it and camp around it.Whenever the Tabernacle sets out, the Levites are to dismantle it, and whenever the Tabernacle is pitched, the Levites are to set it up. Leviticus 1:47-51a

Numbers 3 addresses the duties assigned to the Levites (and their families). See, the women weren’t neglected or ignored!

The tragic death of Aaron’s two oldest sons

Before the specifics of the Levitical assignments are addressed, we find out in Numbers 3:2 about the tragic death of Aaron’s two oldest sons, Nadab and Abihu.

Numbers 1 and 2 had us thinking about the military, but these two young men didn’t die in battle.

They were Levites, so they weren’t fighting in the army.

Instead, Nadab and Abihu offered “unauthorized fire” before the LORD. (Numbers 3:4)

The New Living Translation (NLT) simplifies this to the “wrong kind of fire.” (Num.3:4)

Nadab and Abihu died before the presence of the LORD that day due to carelessness. They didn’t do their assigned task in the orderly manner required.

How often are we guilty of something similar?

The LORD had given specific instructions, but Nadab and Abihu somehow made a mistake that cost them their lives.

I am thankful for the LORD’s grace today! I am also thankful that ADONAI is a God of order (1 Corinthians 14:33). Order has to do with understanding and lack of confusion. He has redeemed us so we do not have to live confused, disordered, disoriented lives.

We must also be careful that we honor the Holy Spirit. When we worship, we must seek to be filled with the Holy Fire that comes from heaven alone and reverence His glorious presence.

Because Nadab and Abihu died, Aaron’s younger sons, Eleazar and Ithamar, served as priests under Aaron, their father (Numbers 3:4b).

Nadab and Abihu were replaced because the community still needed priestly leaders. May we learn from this tragedy to be faithful in all of our ways and to seek God’s guidance in every action we take. If we allow our lives to be ordered by the LORD, we will make right decisions and live in shalom.

The Levite families’ unique giftings

Each Levite family was assigned different duties that ranged from caring for the implements of the sanctuary (such as the menorah, the Ark of the Covenant, and the altars) to the Tent of Meeting and its coverings to the care of the sanctuary itself.

Each family seems to have been anointed with a particular gifting, because as you read, you can observe that they were responsible for specific areas.

The Gershonites

If we analyze it plainly, the Gershonites were responsible for the fabrics. They were responsible for the curtains and the ropes used around the Tabernacle and altar (Num.3:25-26). They had an anointing for working with textiles.

The Kohathites

The Kohathites were responsible for “caring for the sanctuary.” (Numbers 3:28). They were assigned to care for the implements including the menorah, the Ark of the Covenant, and the altars. Perhaps they were anointed in metalworking, able to polish and repair any utensil as needed.

The Merarites

The Merarites held the responsibility to care for the structure of the Tabernacle. Their anointing was in engineering! They were to care for the posts and frames and crossbars, bases, pegs, and ropes.

Each clan had to follow the orderly instructions given by the LORD. If they didn’t, a job would go undone. A mistake could be made.

And we know from Nadab and Abihu that mistakes can prove instantly fatal.

If a non-Levite approached the Tabernacle area, the consequence was also death.

"You are to appoint Aaron and his sons to maintain the priesthood; any commoner who approaches must be executed."  Numbers 3:10

That’s another one of those verses that makes me say, “WHAT?”

But we must understand. The Tabernacle was set-up to teach us about the holiness of God. He is unapproachable without our Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5).

"For there is one God and there is one Mediator between God and men - a human, Messiah Yeshua, who gave Himself as a ransom for all —the testimony at the proper time." 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Had our Messiah never come, we would still bear the consequence of death. But praise be to our LORD who has sent His Son, Messiah Yeshua, (Jesus Christ) to save us from sin and death!

Anointing and giftings today

Throughout the Bible, we find all sorts of examples of people having received special anointing and giftings. The purpose of the anointing was so that a person would be divinely empowered or inspired to carry out a task that would be of blessing. The Spirit of the LORD rested on people for a time, and today, the Spirit of the LORD infills believers to accomplish the Great Commission!

God remains a God of order.

If we seek the blessings of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh), we must do so in an orderly manner, with a spirit of gentleness. He will fill us with His supernatural giftings if we seek to use those gifts to bless the Kingdom of God.

Perhaps there is no census of believers taken on tablets of stone or sheets of papyrus, and we haven’t all had to enlist for military service. But we are (as believers) members of the royal priesthood, and even the hair on our head has been numbered (Luke 12:7).

Today, I encourage you to seek to order your life, your every step, on the Biblical pattern God has established for a full and abundant life!

And I believe if you submit to His vital instructions and guidance, He will surely anoint you with His Holy Spirit to serve Him with success and joy!

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