Yosef’s (Joseph’s) spiritual gifts

Parashot Miketz (B‘reishit/Genesis 41-44:17), Vayigash (B’reishit/Genesis 44:18 – 47:27, (B’reishit/Vayechi Genesis 47:28 – 50) 5783 B”H

Yosef (Joseph) was blessed with spiritual gifts that helped him overcome adversity and rise to an important position in the Egyptian government.

“Then Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can a man like this be found, one in whom is God’s Spirit?” Genesis 41:38

The Spiritual Gifts/Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh)

When we think about the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh), we very rightly turn to the B’rit Hadasha (New Testament), namely 1 Corinthians 12:8ff:

“For to one is given through the Ruach a word of wisdom, to another a word of knowledge according to the same Ruach, to another faith by the same Ruach, to another gifts of healings by the one Ruach, to another workings of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Ruach activates all these things, distributing to each person individually as He wills.” 1 Corinthians 12:8-11.

spiritual gifts of Ruach Elohim

We know that these spiritual gifts continue to operate today and that the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) provides these supernatural spiritual gifts to empower believers to reach the world with the life-saving and life-changing Good News of our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ). These gifts have absolutely not ceased! They continue to bless the people of God around the world.

The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) include:

  1. Word of Wisdom
  2. Word of Knowledge
  3. Faith
  4. Healings
  5. Working of Miracles
  6. Prophecy
  7. Discerning of spirits
  8. Speaking in tongues
  9. Interpretation of tongues

Yosef clearly walked in wisdom and faith. The Bible testifies that he was not only favored, but also productive:

“A fruitful son is Joseph, a fruitful son beside a spring — daughters walk along a wall.” Genesis 49:22, TLV

“Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall.” Genesis 49:22, NKJV

Hebrew is a visual language, painting pictures with words. The same term is used to describe both “daughters” and “branches” which is why there are differences in the translations above. In any case, Yosef (Joseph) was revered as an exemplar son.

Romans 12:6-8 also describes spiritual gifts given to believers:

“We have gifts that differ according to the grace that was given to us — if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; or the one who teaches, in his teaching; or the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who gives, in generosity; the one who leads, with diligence; the one who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.”

The Gifts of the Spirit . . . in the book of Genesis?

The “infilling of the Holy Spirit” (Ruach haKodesh), also known as the “baptism of the Holy Spirit,” occurred following Yeshua’s (Jesus’) ascension into heaven. What made the Pentecostal event so unique is that it had lasting effect: every single believer present and in prayer received the promise of the Father. The Comforter would now dwell inside the believers and empower them with the spiritual gifts to reach the world with the Full Gospel.

In the book of B’reishit/Genesis, as well as the rest of Tanakh (the Old Testament), the Spirit of the LORD came upon individuals, for certain tasks, for certain times. One could be filled with the Holy Spirit, but it appears to have been more of a temporary anointing.

This is important because Yosef (Joseph) was therefore able to operate under the anointing of the LORD even though this was pre-Shavu’ot (pre-Pentecost). Yosef (Joseph) was filled with custom-tailored spiritual gifts that would manifest as he interacted with those around him.

Even Pharaoh noticed:

“Then Pharaoh said to his servants, ‘Can a man like this be found, one in whom is God’s Spirit?’” Genesis 41:38

The pharaoh – the king over a wealthy nation steeped in its own complex mythology was able to recognize that the Spirit of God was in Yosef (Joseph).

Yosef’s Prophetic Dreams and Ability to Interpret Dreams

From a young age, Yosef (Joseph) had prophetic dreams.

Rightly does Yeshua (Jesus) teach us: “Truly, I tell you, ‘No prophet is accepted in his own hometown.’” Luke 4:24

Those early dreams really didn’t need interpretation – their meaning was immediately evident to Yosef’s (Joseph’s) brothers, and they were infuriated.

While the means by which Yosef (Joseph) arrived in Egypt was far from pleasant, he was actually better off away from his native land. His prophetic giftings would be perceived differently in Egypt: his spiritual gifts were valuable to Pharaoh and the other Egyptian officials!

The Pharaoh’s cupbearer and the baker had dreams that they could not understand:

“Then Joseph said to them, “Don’t interpretations belong to God? Please tell me.” Genesis 40:8

Yosef (Joseph) wisely recognized that the ability to interpret dreams required submission to the God of Israel.

When Pharaoh, too, dreamed, Yosef (Joseph) was also able to interpret those dreams.

Shalom for . . . Pharaoh?

Demonstrating wise leadership skills, Yosef (Joseph) also very astutely helped the Pharaoh to have peace with the process:

“Then Joseph answered Pharaoh saying, ‘It’s not within me. God will answer with shalom for Pharaoh.’” Genesis 41:16

This granted him great favor in the land of Egypt and propelled his successful future forward. It didn’t matter where he was from or the struggles he had had to endure, he was an immigrant to Egypt and would serve as second-in-command to Pharaoh.

When the enemy has planned evil, remember, God plans it for good:

“Yes, you yourselves planned evil against me. God planned it for good, in order to bring about what it is this day—to preserve the lives of many people.” Genesis 50:20

Pharaoh usually represents the enemy, but this pharaoh was actually good to Yosef and his people, so this Pharaoh was blessed with shalom.

Prophetic Giftings can make the enemy very nervous

A New Pharaoh

Yosef (Joseph) was like a token Hebrew. He represented the Hebrew/Israelite people (whether he wanted to or not!). They were a minority in Egypt, but their numbers were growing.

By Exodus 1:8-9, a new Pharaoh had ascended to the throne and was distressed about the number of God’s people who were living in Egypt.

Yosef (Joseph) had died by then, but his life had left a legacy and as spiritual gifts are meant to do – the Israelite people had been empowered in knowing that one of their own had served Pharaoh so closely.

The new Pharaoh didn’t know Yosef (Joseph) nor his spiritual gifts, but perhaps he had heard some stories. He didn’t have the shalom that was brought about by listening to God’s servant as in the days of Yosef (Joseph).

He clearly perceived the Israelites as a threat to the security of his nation.

Why a threat? Maybe he had heard that there lived among the Hebrews . . .

Some who had supernatural abilities . . .

Some who had the ability to interpret dreams without calling upon the gods of the Egyptians . . .

Some who served a God who foretold and controlled prosperity and famine . . .

Only the LORD God of Israel alone could provide true dream interpretation and true spiritual gifts.

That could be very unsettling to a ruler who had paid seers and magicians to plead with their gods and use works of imitation as part of the national culture.

If your spiritual gifting is making the enemy nervous, you are probably doing something right!

The Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) is at work today

Do you realize that today, God has given us amazing spiritual power? It is so abundantly clear that we are living in the last days foretold by the Prophet Yo’el (Joel):

“And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.” Joel 2:28-29

Those who serve the LORD will prophesy and dream dreams and see visions. The outpouring of the Spirit of the Most High has blessed entire nations.

Missionaries report that in Iran today, so many people are receiving dreams and visions of our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) that they are converting en masse! New believers are being baptized in a country that is so hostile to the Gospel. The LORD continues to work! We must pray for the Iranian believers!

There are so many other examples of how the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) is working in the world today. And YOU have the opportunity to be a part of that!

Pharaoh noticed that the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) was in Yosef (Joseph):

Has anyone ever said that about you?

Is it that abundantly clear to a nonbeliever that in YOU dwells the very Spirit of the LORD by adoption and mercy?

Is it obvious that God’s Holy Spirit works in you and through you to bless others and testify of His power and greatness?

How are you using your spiritual gifts for His glory?

Today, seek the LORD’s will for your life. Ask Him to use your spiritual gifts for the purposes of His Kingdom. May you walk in favor, like Yosef!

Review: KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible

I am a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2). As a #BibleGatewayPartner, I have received a copy of the KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible published by Zondervan Bibles at no cost to me in exchange for an honest review here on the Adonai Shalom USA blog. #BG2

Thompson Study Bible

KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible Book Review & Description

The KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is an updated version of an original with the same name.

According to the introduction to this Bible, Dr. Frank Charles Thompson conducted in-depth Bible study beginning back in 1890 and wanted to make his findings accessible and available to the ordinary person studying the Scriptures. He highlighted what he felt to be the most important themes and topics and used a study system now known as “chain-reference.” As with any monumental task, Thompson’s original work contained some chain-references that were ultimately incomplete and needed revision. The editors of this new edition aimed to make appropriate corrections and reformat the margins to make it easier to use.

KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible

My first impression upon viewing this Bible was that it is bright and modern-looking.

The yellow coloring coupled with gray ribbon bookmarks will appeal to anyone and makes it stand out from other Bibles.

I also love the metallic lettering on the cover. I could immediately tell that the publishers wanted this Bible to be something the reader would treasure. After all, there is no greater treasure than to know the LORD through His Word!

I personally prefer the New King James Version of the Biblical text as I find it easier to read, but the New King James Version of the Bible was not published until 1982. Thus, Dr.Thompson would have utilized the 1611 King James Version that remains popular today.

Zondervan does have this Bible also available in other translations for those who would prefer.

A Very Practical Study Tool

The cross-references and numerical indices alone make this Bible well-worth the investment. Beyond that, Dr. Thompson included Bible character study outlines which include full Scripture references, map details, Messianic prophecies, an alphabetical index, and other charts including the harmony of the Gospels and topical studies.

KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible

Notice in this excerpt from the book of Ezra, there are many options for subsequent study found in the margins. The entire Bible is filled with these prompts and corresponding Biblical texts.

I really like how ample white space is given for short personal notes if desired and I also appreciate that the actual Biblical text isn’t broken up by commentary or other notes.

Moreso than a devotional Bible, the KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is a study Bible in the truest sense of that word: rather than relying upon the comments of others, the formatting of this Bible encourages readers to search deeply into the Scriptures for themselves.

Each suggested reference topic is relevant and can inspire significant study. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) as you read the Word of God using the references in the margins and I am certain you will make profound discoveries!

The KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is available in many formats including red letter, large print, hardcover, and bonded leather. It is available in the KJV, NKJV, ESV, NIV, and NASB translations. It seems apparent to me that the publisher genuinely wants the study of Scripture to be accessible to as many people as possible. What a blessing!

My recommendation:


Rating: 5 out of 5.

The KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is definitely worth a 5 out of 5.

This is a Bible that will be beneficial to anyone who genuinely enjoys studying the riches of Scripture. It will be particularly helpful to those who prepare weekly sermons or messages as well as to those who lead Bible studies or other ministries.

The KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible would also serve well in an evangelistic encounter as cross-references can quickly and easily be located to help persuade an unbeliever to trust in the glorious Word of God.

Pastora Jennifer Mieliulis Fuentes, M.Div., Duke University

Book details

Title: “KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible
Author: Dr. Frank Charles Thompson
Publisher: Zondervan
Release Date: 
Genre: BIBLES/King James Version/Reference

ISBN-13: 978-0-310-45921-7

PURCHASE LINKS:  Amazon FaithGateway Store


Yosef (Joseph): Favor & Shalom

Parashat Vayeshev (B‘reishit/Genesis 37-40) 5783 B”H

Last week in our study of Timna & Amalek, we considered how rejection can fuel anger, bitterness, violence, and absolute hatred. These attributes exist to rob us of peace, of shalom, and we do well to learn from the Biblical examples of dysfunction and consequence to protect ourselves from falling into those same traps.

The marked divisions and dysfunction that plagued Esav (Esau) and Yaacov (Jacob)’s relationship would continue to stealthily inject the stains of sin into future generations.

Yaacov (Jacob) [now-Israel] had 12 sons, who would become the first of the tribes of Israel.

But before that would happen, many of the brothers would act as young brothers sometimes do –



and conniving.

Was there room for grace?

Would there be any shalom?

Could this family overcome the temptations brought on by rivalry and habitual distrust?

Yosef (Joseph) had favor, but . . . he, too, had to deal with a complicated family life

He was perceived as a tattletale

The second-to-youngest son in Yaacov’s family was Yosef (Joseph), and when he was just a 17-year-old young man, he “brought back a bad report about [his brothers] to their father” (Genesis 37:2c).

Well, no one likes a tattletale, and if he was already 17, maybe Yosef (Joseph) had been tattletaling on his older brothers ever since he could walk.

Now, I am not here to defend Yosef’s (Joseph’s) brothers.

Scripture does not tell us why Yosef (Joseph) felt he needed to give a bad report to Yaacov (Jacob)]; but given how these brothers treated Yosef (Joseph) in significant future events, it is absolutely probable that they were truly doing something terrible that was well-worth the risk of being labeled a tattler.

Indeed, Yosef (Joseph) “the informant” was well-received by his father, and

“[Yaacov] loved [Yosef] more than all his brothers . . .” (Genesis 37:4).

Yaacov made his son Yosef (Joseph) the famous long-sleeved tunic that is often called the “coat of many colors.” (Genesis 37:3).

His brothers resented him

“When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak to him in shalom.” Genesis 37:4, TLV, emphasis added


To me, this is a very appropriate translation.

But, let’s look at a few different translations of Genesis 37:4 because there is disagreement among scholars about the very best way to translate l’shalom here. (Any time you find a discrepancy between different translations, this indicates that the translators are having a difficult time expressing Hebrew idiom in modern English.).

Shalom is more than a simple “peace”

The Hebrew term, “shalom,” is usually translated quite simply as, “peace.”

But the true meaning of “shalom” has a greater depth to it.

“Shalom” refers to an all-encompassing peace, wholeness, completeness, healthfulness, and overarching prosperity.

Here is the original Hebrew:

 וַיִּרְא֣וּ אֶחָ֗יו כִּֽי־אֹת֞וֹ אָהַ֤ב אֲבִיהֶם֙ מִכָּל־אֶחָ֔יו וַֽיִּשְׂנְא֖וּ אֹת֑וֹ וְלֹ֥א יָכְל֖וּ דַּבְּר֥וֹ לְשָׁלֹֽם׃, WLC, emphasis added

Translators have wanted to express the fullness of the term, so they describe it in these ways:

“When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they began to hate him and reached the point where they couldn’t even talk with him in a civil manner.” Genesis 37:4, Complete Jewish Bible, emphasis added

“But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him.” Genesis 37:4, NKJV, emphasis added

“And his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers; and so they hated him and could not speak to him on friendly terms.” Genesis 37:4, NASB, emphasis added

Each translation is basically saying the same thing, but their nuanced differences give us a clue as to the deeper meaning of “peace” that is intended by the original language.

In English, “peace” has lost a lot of its power in our culture today, but the God of the Bible wants you to experience a genuinely powerful and wholly total depth of peace – shalom – that is found only when you live under the favor of the Almighty!

Maintaining your shalom when those around you make that difficult

The term, “grace,” is commonly defined as “unmerited favor.”

Yosef (Joseph) walked in this type of favor – and to do so, he would have needed to know how to maintain his inner peace.

He faced so much adversity in life!

How did Yosef (Joseph) overcome being sold into slavery by his own brothers?! (Genesis 37:27)

He learned to walk in grace.

His brothers’ (also unmerited) evil actions toward Yosef (Joseph) helped form in him a perseverance and self-confidence that would lead him to become Egypt’s second-in-command.

Now, of course, Messiah Yeshua had not yet come to endow full-fledged grace and forgiveness and mercy, but the LORD did choose to use young Yosef (Joseph) to demonstrate and foreshadow the favor that comes when we trust in His Son.

So how can you, like Yosef (Joseph), triumph when those around you conspire for your demise, make false accusations against you, or look for ways to either literally or figuratively incarcerate you?

How can you walk in shalom?

  1. Know the Word of God: Shalom I leave you, My shalom I give to you; but not as the world gives! Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27
  2. Trust the Word of God
  3. Be filled with the Word of God

Our Savior Yeshua (Jesus) is the Word made flesh – the Word Incarnate. “And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us. We looked upon His glory, the glory of the one and only from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

When we know His Words – what He said, what He taught, what He proclaimed, and what He lived, we can learn to trust Him at His very Word. Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) embodied the Word and demonstrated that by His Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) we, too, can live in the peace that surpasses all understanding and find our shalom in Him.

As we mature in the faith, we learn that trust becomes synonymous with peace, because He fills us with His Spirit – the Spirit of the LORD – whose power overcomes all our fears and doubts. The enemy may stir up trouble like he did for Yosef (Joseph) or try to cause us all sorts of anguish and anxiety, but if we truly trust in the One who is Mighty to Save, we will maintain true inner shalom.

We must be filled with His Word! We need the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh)! So seek Him today and be filled – Be filled with the Holy Spirit! (Ephesians 5:18) Learn about the true meaning of shalom and pray that the LORD will help you to truly live in the fullness of His shalom today!

Timna & Amalek: hatred fueled by rejection

Parashat Vayishlach (B‘reishit/Genesis 32:4-36) 5783 B”H (Updated 11/6/23)

Before the holidays, we left off in Genesis 32 and looked at Jacob’s (Yaacov’s) family life. Today, we will focus on Esav’s (Esau’s) side, namely his relationship with a woman named Timna.

Recall the prophecy given directly to Rivkah (Rebekah) by the LORD:

“ADONAI said to her: ‘Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from your body will be separated.
One people will be stronger than the other people, but the older will serve the younger.'” Genesis 25:23, emphasis added

Rivkah’s older son, Esav (Esau) would serve the younger Yaacov (Jacob). This becomes quickly apparent in the passages that follow and by Genesis 35:11 the LORD blesses Yaacov (Jacob) and gives him a new name: “Israel.”

It is also at this point that the LORD also chooses to reveal that He is “El Shaddai.”

El Shaddai אֵל שַׁדַּי is a term that means “Almighty.”

The Almighty God, El Shaddai, had chosen Israel.

The names of God are wonderful to study, but today, I’d like to remain focused on the family lines extending from Yaacov and Esav and how this affects the nation of Israel today.

Esav – father of the Edomites

Esav (Esau) became known as the father of the Edomites. He had at least two wives and his sons’ names were Eliphaz and Reuel (Genesis 36:10).

Sadly for him, Esav gave up his birthright, remember, and as time went on, Edom faced desolation for constantly seeking to rule over the Jewish people. Ezekiel records:

“You have magnified yourselves against Me with your mouth. You multiplied your words against Me. I heard it.” Thus says ADONAI ELOHIM: “When the whole earth rejoices, I will make you desolate. As you rejoiced over inheriting the house of Israel, because it was desolate, so I will do to you. You will be desolate, Mount Seir and all Edom—all of it. Then they will know that I am ADONAI.” Ezekiel 35:13-15

So to try to keep things succinct, just remember that there is enmity between Edom and Israel.

Timna of Edom

Esav’s son, Eliphaz, had a concubine named Timna.

“Now Timna was a concubine to Esau’s son Eliphaz, and she bore Amalek to Eliphaz.” Genesis 36:12

Timna is not well-known, and there is not much written about her in Scripture. Jewish tradition has attempted to fill in some of the blanks, but being extra-Biblical, we cannot know with any certainty the validity of the story. That said, it is an interesting story!

We know from Genesis 36:21-22 that Timna (assuming she is the same Timna) was Lotan’s sister – and that Lotan was one of the chiefs of the Horites in the land of Edom.

That would suggest that Timna had an elevated status, a princess of her people.

Why would a princess become a concubine?

Well, midrash says that Timna was a convert.

The midrashic story goes that Timna had approached the patriarchs Abraham, Yitzhak (Isaac), and Yaacov (Jacob) wanting to join the nation of Israel.

But according to tradition, Timna was rejected. So as a response, this princess chose to become a concubine as a way to still be near to the nation of Israel.

“You are not to detest an Edomite, for he is your brother. You are not to detest an Egyptian, for you were an outsider in his land. The children born to them—the third generation—may enter the community of ADONAI.” Deuteronomy 23:7

Timna was with an Edomite, Eliphaz, so they were not to be detested but all of this potentially paved the way for generational bitterness and hatred . . .

The Consequences of Rejection

If you’ve ever felt rejected, you might know the swelling up of anger that can arise.

When the feelings associated with a rejection are permitted to fester rather than be entrusted to the LORD for healing, hatred can blossom and flourish.

Was Timna indeed rejected by Israel?

There is no Bible verse to confirm that.

But we do know she gave birth to a son, Amalek, whose lineage has become the greatest enemy to Israel in history.

Harboring Hatred: the spirit of Amalek

This is but speculation, but if indeed Timna was rejected, I could imagine her teaching her son to harbor hatred against the nation of Israel.

Consider the war between Israel and Hamas. The Palestinians have, generationally, been taught to harbor great hatred against Israel and now we see this spiraling into a huge conflict. This is a spiritual issue. Israel, because it is founded on the principles of Torah, is legitimately a morally superior nation – founded on God’s way of doing things. Despite all of the animosity Israel deals with, Israel does its best to exercise restraint, patience, and consider the humanitarian needs of civilians in conflict. In complete contrast, the Palestinians do not decry the horrors of Hamas, but seem rather to justify the violence and perpetuate it. Harboring hatred leads only to grief and more death and violence.

In our congregations and communities today, how often do we show genuine love and welcome to newcomers? Are we careful to ensure that children learn to love and model forgiveness and kindness? I had a conversation today with a homeschool mother who shared sentiments with me that the other “Christian” homeschoolers in the area do not demonstrate a welcoming attitude whatsoever. How often are we each guilty of making others feel unwelcome when they so very much would like to be a part of what we are doing? We must repent for our inhospitable actions and take notice when we are unwittingly contributing to someone else harboring resentment.

But resentment does NOT have to be the outcome. Ephesians 4:31 teaches us to

“Get rid of all bitterness and rage and anger and quarreling and slander, along with all malice.”

Some people will simply choose to stay in that dark place, ruminating on all the ways they have been hurt or rejected.

That’s the spirit of Amalek.

The Amalekites

The generations after Amalek became known as the Amalekites because they inherited Amelek’s hatred toward the Israelites:

ADONAI said to Moses, “Write this for a memorial in the book, and rehearse it in the hearing of Joshua, for I will utterly blot out the memory of the Amalekites from under heaven.” Then Moses built an altar, and called the name of it ADONAI-NISSI. Then he said, “By the hand upon the throne of ADONAI, ADONAI will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.” Exodus 17:14-16, emphasis added

Remember what Amalek did to you along the way as you came out from Egypt—  how he happened upon you along the way and attacked those among you in the rear, all the stragglers behind you, when you were tired and weary—he did not fear God.  Now when ADONAI your God grants you rest from all the enemies surrounding you in the land ADONAI your God is giving you as an inheritance to possess, you are to blot out the memory of Amalek from under the heavens. Do not forget!” Deuteronomy 25:17-19, emphases added

Did you notice in the Exodus 17 passage above that it was in this context that we see the name of God, ADONAI-NISSI? יהוה נִסִּי The LORD, my victory, the LORD my banner. When Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, it was in this same spirit of Amalek, not fearing God and attacking the innocent.

But no matter what Amalek tries to do, if you are on God’s side, you’re with the Victorious One.

There is a stark difference between the Edomites and the Amalekites. While the Edomites have their undesirability, it is the Amalekites who are considered the very worst of the worst.

If you know the history of Queen Hadassah (Esther), you will know that evil Haman was a descendent of Amalek. There is no place for the Amalekites – their end will be one of destruction.

Demonstrate love

Timna may well have been a victim of rejection.

And in today’s world, there are so many people who have suffered in this way.

Amalek represents all that is evil and violent and terrible in this world, but we can each do our part to show the love of our Messiah whenever possible – to avoid the perpetuation of the vicious cycles of evil and terror that continue in the world.

We must pray for the people of Israel, who are fighting the spirit of Amalek. We must pray that they do not become discouraged, but that they, too, would know the love of our Savior and see that all of this terror going on is part of a much bigger, spiritual battle.

We need not befriend the devil, but we can certainly make his job harder.

We must acknowledge the Truth taught by our Savior that in this world there WILL be trouble. But be encouraged today:

We have shalom because our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) has overcome the world! (John 16:33)

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Messiah Yeshua our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

And neither Amalek nor Timna nor anyone else who would conjure up harm against us will be able to separate us from our Savior’s great and marvelous and victorious love!

How can we pray for you today? Have you ever felt rejected or ashamed? I assure you, the LORD can bring healing and restoration into your life, even right this very moment. He can even free you from bitterness and resentment. Do you need encouragement? Do you need peace? The LORD will give you His shalom and His salvation if you will invite Him to do a mighty work in you. And He will be faithful to do it. Please pray for Israel today and leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you!

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob . . . and Nathanael

Parashat Vayeitzei [Vayetze] (B‘reishit/Genesis 28:10-32:3) 5783 B”H

How does Jacob’s life and story relate to Nathanael in John 1? Find out in today’s Bible study!

A Dysfunctional Family

Yaakov (Jacob) wasn’t the most honest guy in the Bible.

But he also wasn’t from the most “righteous” immediate family. In fact, we could describe his family (like so many) as quite dysfunctional.

You do know that our families of origin do have some influence on our behaviors as much as we wish that weren’t the case!

Now, we are not going to “excuse” Yaacov in this study.

Regardless of our upbringing, every single one of us must acknowledge our sinful behaviors and turn from those evil ways in repentance.

Yaacov’s behavior was not righteous nor godly, yet we will discover that despite his failings, God chose to use him.

So, just know this – no matter what, God can use you, too, my friend.

Twins with little to nothing in common

The Bible describes Yaakov (Jacob) as a “mild man,” who “remain[ed] in tents.” (Genesis 25:27).

In modern language, we’d say Yaakov was a “homebody.”

Yaakov (Jacob) was a quiet guy who preferred the comforts and quiet of home much more than heading out looking to kill the night’s dinner.

His twin brother, Esav (Esau) on the other hand, was a total outdoorsman. He was “a man knowledgeable in hunting” (Genesis 25:27) so he was far more adventurous than Yaakov.

Did these brothers talk much?

Was there communication between these two seemingly polar opposites?

Esav would go out for long hours and I imagine Yaakov would spend quite a bit of time with their mother, Rivkah (Rebekah) because he stayed around the home.

Poor parenting

This is the same Rivkah (Rebekah) who married Yitzhak (Isaac) when she was very young. In fact, she showed some signs of youthful immaturity based on her very quick acceptance of the marriage proposal and her falling off her camel when she saw Yitzhak for the first time! Yes, the culture was different so perhaps her eagerness to marry was perfectly normal, and yes, Yitzhak might’ve been just that good-looking to cause her to fall off her camel, but it is fairly safe to assume Rivkah was quite young.

Indeed, some scholars believe the “young woman” Rivkah (Genesis 24:57) would have been younger than about 13 years old at the time of their engagement.

One clue:

She still had a nanny! (Genesis 24:59)

So if we wanted to give Rivkah a benefit of the doubt, we could posit that she herself had not been parented long enough to know how to appropriately raise Esav and Yaacov (Esau and Jacob) in a godly manner.

We could assume Yitzhak (Isaac) and Rivkah (Rebekah) must’ve gotten married too young.

But if we are careful to study the Bible, we will realize this is not the case, at least not for Yitzhak (Isaac)!

Genesis 25:20 says Yitzhak (Isaac) was 40 years old when he finally took Rebekah to be his wife!

Now, we do not know the age of Rebekah at this point. It wouldn’t have been uncommon in the Middle Eastern culture for Yitzhak to have been quite a bit older than Rebekah, but nonetheless, it would seem that even Rebekah would have had had enough time to observe motherhood and learn how to be a faithful wife and mother.

But Rivkah (Rebekah) played favorites and schemed not only against her oldest son, but ultimately against her dying husband!


Now, lest we let Yitzhak (Isaac) off the hook, the Bible reports that both of these parents showed favoritism.

“Now Isaac loved Esau because he had a taste for wild game, but Rebekah loved Jacob.” Genesis 25:28

It was a recipe for disaster.

Yaacov (Jacob) and his mother plotted a scheme to trick Yitzhak (Isaac) into blessing Yaacov.


Scripture says Esav came back exhausted one day from being out in the field (Genesis 25:29). Exhaustion coupled with hunger must’ve contributed to Esav not thinking straight.

Esav wasn’t savvy enough to realize how valuable his birthright was so he agreed to pledge it to Yaacov.

The red-haired twin agreed to give up his birthright in exchange for a bowl of red lentil soup.

Just a bowl of soup!

The man was hungry, but here is an extreme case of foolishness for giving into the stomach’s demands. He reasoned that he would die soon (Genesis 25:32) so the birthright would be useless to him.

Yaacov (Jacob) the Deceiver

Yaacov (Jacob) earned himself the reputation of “deceiver.” Some would like to soften this up a little and say he was merely a good negotiator or an astute businessman, but there is no denying that Yaacov acted with deception.

How is it then, that Yaacov is the one we remember?

How can it be that we talk about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

Why did God grant Yaacov (Jacob) a dream of a stairway to heaven? (Genesis 28:10ff)

Because God is merciful.

And He also honors words of blessing.

Yaacov had been blessed by Yitzhak, and there was no annulation.

Yaacov’s trip to Charan and encounter with the One True God

If you have been studying B’rieshit/Genesis with us, you will recall that Abraham’s father, Terah, had reached a place named “Charan” and stayed there. It was a place of rest.

It was the same place where later Abram would hear the voice of God.

Now, it would be the same place Yaacov (Jacob) would dream of the stairway to heaven.

When the Bible talks about what is often translated as a “stairway” or “ladder,” think about it like a ziggurat. It was probably a multi-leveled tower common in that region at that time that was described by translators as a stairway.

In the dream, Yaacov (Jacob) saw angels going up and down and ADONAI, the One True God, standing on the top of the structure. The LORD spoke to him and promised to bless him.

Perhaps it was here that Yaacov genuinely converted? Maybe he repented of all his deceptiveness? We know that he confessed that ADONAI would be his God (Genesis 28:21).

Yaacov (Jacob) recognized that he was in the Presence of the Almighty and he felt he had seen the “gate of heaven.” (Genesis 28:17)

“So he was afraid and said, “How fearsome this place is! This is none other than the House of God—this must be the gate of heaven!” Genesis 28:17

In Genesis 35, God appeared to Jacob and told him he would have a new name: Israel.

An Israelite in whom there is no deceit

When God sent His Son, Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) to minister on the earth, those who first realized that they had encountered the Messiah were filled with joy and enthusiasm.

Read what happened right after Yeshua (Jesus) called Philip to be a disciple:

“Philip finds Nathanael and tells him, “We’ve found the One that Moses in the Torah, and also the prophets, wrote about—Yeshua of Natzeret, the son of Joseph!” John 1:45, emphasis added

Philip convinced Nathanael to come and see and Yeshua (Jesus) makes a very interesting comment:

 Yeshua saw Nathanael coming toward Him. He said, “Look, a true Israelite! There’s nothing false in him.” John 1:47, TLV, emphasis added

I think the New King James Version will help us connect this a bit more easily:

“Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!” John 1:47 NKJV, emphasis added

Do you see that our Savior was making a reference here to Yaacov (Jacob)?

Nathanael was being compared to Jacob, who had been renamed as Israel: here Nathanael is called a true Israelite – not a Yaacov (Jacob) who practices falsehoods.

Quite appropriately, Nathanael was surprised by what Yeshua (Jesus) said and asked Him, how did He know him? This is when Yeshua told him that he saw him under the fig tree even before Philip had gone to get him. (John 1:48)

What was Nathanael doing under the fig tree?

While it became more common after the destruction of the Second Temple, young Rabbinical students used to sit and study Torah under fig or olive trees. Nathanael may have simply been resting there, or he may have been studying the Word of God. Imagine if he had been reading about Yaacov just moments before Messiah makes the comparison between them!

Regardless of Nathanael’s reason for being under the fig tree, his heart was in the right place and his Messiah knew it. Nathanael believed just because Yeshua told him he saw him under the fig tree (John 1:50).

Nathanael immediately recognized that he was encountering the very Son of God.

““Rabbi,” Nathanael answered, “You are Ben-Elohim [the Son of God]! You are the King of Israel!” John 1:49

As though that is not enough, Yeshua (Jesus) promised that even more would be revealed to Nathanael. (John 1:50)

Yeshua (Jesus) made another allusion to Yaacov (Jacob): “And He said, “Amen, amen I tell you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God going up and coming down on the Son of Man!” (John 1:51, emphasis added).

The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would be fulfilled. Nathanael would take part in God’s revelation to humanity that a Son had been given:

“For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”

Isaiah 9:6-9

Search the Scriptures

There is a divine continuity in the Scriptures. Just as Nathanael knew to search the Scriptures and to put His faith in the King of Israel, so, too, we must do the same. When we recognize that what the Bible says is true, and we study and learn who God is and who is His Son, we see that His faithfulness has lasted throughout every generation, and we are now living in the last days. Our Messiah will soon return, and we must be ready to recognize Him and delight in Him! Philip and Nathanael exhibited such great enthusiasm and excitement because the Messiah was standing before them. Now, we have the Spirit of the Living God dwelling in us!

“Now because you are sons, God sent the Ruach [Spirit] of His Son into our hearts, who cries out, “Abba! Father!” Galatians 4:6

I encourage you today to seek the One who came to rescue and save the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Allow your eyes to be opened to the Scriptures and to the Messiah of whom the Scriptures speak. The King of all kings, Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God has come. He has demonstrated His authority, His omniscience, and His omnipotence.

Will you be like Nathanael who so eagerly followed the LORD?

Will you reject the spirit of deception and choose honesty as a true member of the household of God?

Will you live in the promises given to the descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

John testified that “The Word became flesh and tabernacled [dwelt] among us. We looked upon His glory, the glory of the one and only from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

Have you encountered this Savior? Have you looked upon His glory?

Perhaps you didn’t grow up in the most faith-filled or loving family. Don’t let that be a deterrent. God sees you where you are, whether you spend time under oak, pine, or fig trees; whether you live in the desert, the jungle, a large urban center or a farm; He is omnipresent – He is with you and He sent His Son to be Emmanuel – God with us.

Put your trust in Him today, and please, let us know about your decision! We love comments and would love to hear from you so we can pray for you. May the LORD use you, that all the nations would know that salvation has come!

Hanukkah, Zerubbabel, and the Second Temple

Some who have studied history have heard of Hanukkah’s hero, Judah (Judas) Maccabee, but are you familiar with how Zerubbabel fits into the story? Today we will take a look at the history and meaning of Hanukkah and discover how the LORD used Zerubbabel during the construction of the Second Temple.

The Festival of Lights and the Feast of Dedication

Hanukkah is known today as the Festival of Lights, and rightly so given that we celebrate the Light of the World – our Savior, Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ)!

But the more correct translation of the Hebrew term “Hanukkah” is “Dedication.” Hanukkah is the Feast of Dedication.

Most Christians do not realize that the Feast of Dedication = Hanukkah. It is the same thing.

Did you know that Hanukkah is mentioned in the New Testament?

Hanukkah is mentioned in John 10:22.

Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter.” John 10:22, NKJV

“Then came Hanukkah; it was winter in Jerusalem.” John 10:22, TLV

In order to understand the New Testament in its correct context, it is imperative for believers to learn about the Feast of Dedication!

Our Savior was in the Second Temple during Hanukkah

Hanukkah winter Jerusalem Chanukah

“Then came Hanukkah; it was winter in Jerusalem. Yeshua was walking in the Temple around Solomon’s Colonnade.  Then the Judean leaders surrounded Him, saying, “How long will You hold us in suspense? If You are the Messiah, tell us outright!” Yeshua answered them, “I told you, but you don’t believe! The works I do in My Father’s name testify concerning Me.” John 10:22-25

Yeshua (Jesus) used the opportunity on Hanukkah to reveal that His sheep hear His voice and He gives them eternal life. (John 10:27-28).

Hanukkah is about Victory over Oppression and Insult

By being present during Hanukkah, Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) confirms to us the validity of the historical record. He shared in the joy of the Hanukkah miracle.

Hanukkah commemorates the victory of God’s people. Today, we know that through our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) we have eternal victory, but we also celebrate the victories throughout history that have demonstrated the faithfulness of God to sustain His people.

A very evil tyrant named Antiochus Epiphanes (Antiochus IV) had been severely oppressing the people of God.

He wanted to force assimilation to Hellenize the Jews so they would adopt the Greek culture and abandon YHVH.

He was such an obnoxious person that he took over the Temple and sacrificed a pig on God’s altar, an act considered highly offensive since the Jews do not eat pork.

To top it off, Antiochus Epiphanes had the audacity to set up a Zeus statue – right in the Temple.

Can you even imagine this?

Let’s modernize it a bit for the sake of understanding:

Imagine if your faith was illegal and the government took over the church you attend.

Imagine if the pulpit was replaced by a giant statue of a Hindu god like Krishna.

Do you have a communion table at church?

What if satanists came in and replaced the bread and wine or grape juice with the elements of witchcraft?

You would be outraged! Horrified! Something would have to be done, right?!

Well, the LORD used a man named Judah Maccabee to lead an uprising against Antiochus known as the Maccabean Revolt. As is so often the case, the Jewish army was hugely outnumbered, but when God is on your side good things happen.

Judah and his men won.


The Rededication of the Second Temple and the miracle of the oil

Though victory had been secured, the Temple of our LORD had been defiled.

It needed to be re-dedicated.

The process for consecrating the Temple required pure oil to burn in the Temple menorah, but there was only enough oil to last for one night.

But God is a God of miracles.

The oil that should have lasted only one night lasted for 8 whole nights.

The Temple was appropriately rededicated and the people were filled with joy.

Today, we use a special menorah for Hanukkah called a hanukkiah to remember the miracle.

Zerubbabel and the Second Temple Prophecies

This was the Second Temple, rebuilt under the leadership of Zerubbabel. It was of lesser magnitude and grandeur as the Temple of Solomon, but the Prophet Haggai records the LORD blessing Zerubbabel for his efforts:

 “On that day’”—it is a declaration of ADONAI-TZVA’OT—‘I will take you, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, my servant’—it is a declaration of ADONAI—“‘and I will set you like a signet ring. For I have chosen you.’” It is a declaration of ADONAI-TZVA’OT.” Haggai 2:23, emphases added

The LORD also spoke to the Prophet Zechariah about this:

“Again the word of ADONAI came to me saying: “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this House. His hands will also finish it. Then you will know that ADONAI-TZVA’OT has sent me to you.” Zechariah 4:8-9

Haggai’s prophecy acknowledges that the people viewed the Second Temple as “nothing” compared to the first Temple. But the LORD encourages Zerubbabel to be strong and to persist in faith:

“In the seventh month, on the twenty-first of the month, the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet, saying:  Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and to the remnant of the people, saying: ‘Who is left among you who saw this temple in its former glory? And how do you see it now? In comparison with it, is this not in your eyes as nothing? 

Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ says the LORD; ‘and be strong, Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, all you people of the land,’ says the Lord, ‘and work; for I am with you,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear!’

For thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:1-9, emphases added

Have you ever worked so hard on a project, but those around you viewed you with contempt? Maybe they thought your idea wouldn’t work or that you were putting too much effort into something that might not be worth it in the end?

The LORD promised that His Spirit would remain among the faithful and that He would fill the Temple with His Glory.

Yeshua (Jesus) later taught in that very Temple – fulfilling Haggai’s prophecy that the glory of this latter temple would be greater than the former!

Lastly, it was in the context of encouraging Zerubbabel that the LORD said the work would be done, not by might, nor by power, but by the power of the Spirit:

“This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel:
‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’
Says the LORD of hosts.”
Zechariah 4:6

The dedicating of our lives

This Hanukkah, remember all that the LORD has done!

He is the God of miracles and He can use that which we might consider small or insignificant for His Glory.

If you belong to Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ), your body is the Temple of His Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

Do you need a rededication? Sanctification (living and walking in holiness) is a process, and sometimes we need to get out the scrub brush and ask the LORD to cleanse us anew. Dedicate your life to Him! That is something I do over and over again because I love Him and I want to consistently be dedicated to Him and His mission.

Here’s a prayerful Hanukkah song about dedicating ourselves to the LORD:

He will use you for His Glory and He will work innumerable miracles in your life if you will trust Him and let your light shine!

Have a very Happy Hanukkah! Chag Chanukah Sameach!

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Review: Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible

I am a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2). As a #BibleGatewayPartner, I have received a copy of the “Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible – NKJV Translation”  published by Thomas Nelson Publishers at no cost to me in exchange for an honest review here on the Adonai Shalom USA blog. #BG2

“Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible” (NKJV Translation)

Book Review and Description

The Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible – NKJV contains the entirety of the Scriptural text in the New King James Version Bible translation along with devotional passages drawn from Matthew Henry’s commentaries, which are interspersed throughout the text.

Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible cover
Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible: 366 Daily Devotions by Matthew Henry

The introduction to this devotional Bible gives detail about Matthew Henry’s life. According to the introduction written by Philip Nation, Henry was a 17th century Presbyterian pastor in England. Nation shares background about some of Henry’s struggles, such as frequent childhood illness, loss of his wife and four of his infant children. Henry consistently turned to God’s Word as a source of comfort, making this devotional appropriate to any who likewise seek to draw encouragement and comfort from the Holy Scriptures.

Matthew Henry is well known to many for his numerous and thoughtful commentaries on Scripture. Many of us have relied on his thoughtful analysis of Scripture whether as students or as pastors. Because of my familiarity with Matthew Henry’s commentaries, I assumed this Bible would contain commentary, rather than devotional material – more of a “study Bible.”

The devotions in the Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible relate to the passage on the corresponding page, and they are dated for anyone who would enjoy following a devotional reading plan.

Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible

You will find the next day’s devotion listed at the bottom of the page, so you can place one of the two satin bookmarks there, ready for the next day, if you would like.

The Mathew Henry Daily Devotional Bible (NKJV) comes with two satin ribbons, one red and one blue as pictured, here placed at Isaiah 69.

With this format, one could easily find another interesting passage to read along with the day’s devotional, so I actually like the fact the devotions are spread throughout the Bible rather than arranged in a more traditional format. This allows the reader to spend time prayerfully in the Word and invite the Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit) to truly guide one’s reading and devotional time.

A Devotional Bible

Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible (NKJV)

Given the exhaustive nature of Matthew Henry’s verse-by-verse six volume commentary on the whole Bible, I did expect to see more Matthew Henry devotionals in this particular Bible edition.

For anyone interested in a “devotional” introduction to Matthew Henry, this Bible will be very appropriate. It is less scholarly than jumping straight into his Bible commentaries. I could see this being an excellent gift for a young person going off to college or someone considering vocational ministry.

It is important to note that the Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible is aptly named and is not a Bible commentary nor a Study Bible. It is strictly intended as a devotional Bible.

The Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible can encourage any of us to put away the study Bibles for a moment and just focus our attention in a devotional format. With all the apps and electronic means of accessing the Scripture, having an actual book to hold and look through can help us slow down and focus on our personal devotional life with our Heavenly Father rather than studying all the time! The devotions in this Bible are Scripturally-based and free of distraction.

My recommendation:


Rating: 5 out of 5.

My initial reaction was to give the Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible 4 out of 5 stars, but the more I thought about the purpose of this non-study Bible, I decided it is worth 5 out of 5.

This Bible does not purport to give commentary nor to serve as a study Bible. It is intended as a devotional Bible, and it serves that purpose very well. I highly recommend this Devotional Bible to anyone seeking a devotional that can be used all year, and reused every year if desired.

Pastora Jennifer Mieliulis Fuentes, M.Div., Duke University

Book details

Title: “Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible – NKJV”
Author: Compilation
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Release Date: 
Genre: Bibles/New King James Version/Devotional

ISBN-13: 978-0-7852-4655-8

PURCHASE LINKS:  Amazon | FaithGateway Store


Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible (NKJV) back cover

If you are looking for other wonderful Scripture resources, check out my reviews of “Spurgeon and the Psalms: The Book of Psalms with Devotions from Charles Spurgeon” and “Eternity Now: The New Testament Series” (NET) also published by Thomas Nelson.

Interested in more book reviews? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for updates!

Quarrel & Accusation: 2 wells that couldn’t coverup victory at Rehoboth

Parashat Toledot (B‘reishit/Genesis 25:19-28:9) 5783 B”H

Our study begins today with the harsh realities of spiritual battle, but reminds us that victory is ours if we remain faithful to our LORD!

The Enemy’s Coverups

After Abraham had died, the Philistines covered over the wells he had dug in his lifetime, stopping them from providing any water. (Genesis 26:18).

Isn’t that how it goes sometimes?

The enemy is always ready to pounce.

A person works so very hard and so very diligently, but once they have either moved away or passed away, someone else comes along who wants to downplay or outright erase the memory of what that previous person did. This occurs because of a jealous spirit and selfish ambitions. In other cases, the enemy will devise a scheme and invent a coverup.

The enemy loves coverups, and there in the valley of Gerar, he literally inspired the Philistines to cover up the wells.

Sadly, I have seen this too often in ministry settings and if you have been hurt by this, I want you to be encouraged today because there is always a victory in the end. And it doesn’t only occur in churches. Families are often divided or torn apart by pettiness.

The Bible tells us to honor one another:

“Be tenderly devoted to one another in brotherly love; outdo one another in giving honor.” Romans 12:10

But all too often, rather than rejoicing in the wonderful, unique, God-given giftings of others, some church leaders find ways to discredit their peers, hiding behind seniority, experience, or education.

Yes… Sin finds its way in. Even in the church. Even in Bible-believing families.

So you have sowed and struggled and prayed.

The enemy preyed, but you prayed.

The enemy does his own preying.

The devil doesn’t want to see you well and prospering.

Abraham’s son Yitzhak (Isaac) was living into the promised blessing and became a wealthy and important man:

“Then Isaac sowed in that land and in that year reaped a hundredfold. ADONAI blessed him and the man became great and continued to become greater until he became very great. He acquired livestock of sheep and livestock of cattle, and numerous servants.” Genesis 26:12-14a, emphasis added

The Scriptures say, “Then the Philistines envied him.” Genesis 26:14b

The enemy of your soul will use any combination of envy, pride, arrogance, gossip, slander, distrust, anger, and jealousy to sow discord and disunity in families, businesses, and ministries.

Then the Philistines envied him. All the wells that his father’s servants had dug in the days of his father Abraham the Philistines stopped up and filled with dirt. So Abimelech said to Isaac, “Go away from us, for you are much more powerful than us.” Genesis 26:14b-16

Don’t give up or give in to the enemy’s way of doing things. Stay strong in the faith.

I am hopeful you have come out strong through the trials and the tests in life, but if you have ever taken a hard fall, be reminded today that God binds up the brokenhearted and heals every wound (Psalm 147:3). If you have been wounded in the battle, take the time you need to heal (this is very important!), and then get back up. Work toward restoration.

Is this you today?

Has the enemy been preying around you?

Have you been faithful to pray right against him?!

Restoring what the enemy tried to hide

Yitzhak (Isaac) wasn’t going to let his father’s legacy fade into the shadows.

“Then Isaac dug again the wells of water that had been dug in the days of his father Abraham—the Philistines had stopped them up after Abraham’s death. He gave them the same names that his father had given them.” Genesis 26:18

It wasn’t easy work in a desert land to dig a bunch of wells! But, the promise is sure:

“God, your God, will restore everything you lost…” Deuteronomy 30:3 MSG

If you remain faithful to the Mighty One of Israel, you will be able to go to the enemy’s camp and take back what he stole from you.

Living Water in the Desert

“Then Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and found a well of living water there.” Genesis 26:19

Living Water.

Isaac servants well Living Water

Doesn’t this point us right to the book of John? John testified quite a lot about God’s Living Water, and perhaps most relevantly to us in this study, he uses the geography of the land to situate the account of the Samaritan woman:

“So He comes to a Samaritan town called Shechem, near the plot of land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob’s well was there. So Yeshua,[Jesus] exhausted from the journey, was sitting by the well. It was midday.” John 4:5-6, emphasis added.

Notice, the well at Shechem in Samaria is attributed to Jacob (Yakov) — Isaac’s son.

The promise is to your children, and your children’s children . . .

The wells that Yitzhak (Isaac) and his servants uncovered would bless his children including Esav and Yacov, and future generations. The well was still operational generations later when the Samaritan woman came to draw water. The ancient well provided the perfect setting for a woman in need to meet her Savior.

“Yeshua [Jesus] replied to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” John 4:10

Be faithful in your generation

Yitzhak didn’t allow the good things accomplished in a past generation to just fade away under the dust.

He cared about that history.

He honored his father’s work.

But the work of restoration was met with some resistance.

Quarrels and Accusations

When the well of living water was found in the valley of Gerar, the shepherds there started arguing with him.

Because of that, Yitzhak (Isaac) named that well, “Quarrel.” [Esek] (Genesis 26:20).

The people at the Quarrel well said the water belonged to them.

And when he dug another well, he ended up naming it “Accusation,” [Sitnah] because the people kept on arguing with him over the water. (Genesis 26:21).

Quarrels and accusations.

The enemy wants to do anything he can to prevent people from accessing the Living Water.

But if you persist and you are faithful, great things will open up before you.

When Yitzhak dug another well – away from those that were causing conflict – there was no one around to argue about it.

Where are they who accuse you?

Yitzhak named this third well, “Wide Spaces” [Rehoboth]. (Genesis 26:22)

“Then he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he named it Wide Spaces and said, “Because now ADONAI has created wide spaces for us and we will be fruitful in the land.” Genesis 26:22

ADONAI’S Promise and Yitzhak’s response

The LORD watched Yitzhak’s faithful work.

He appeared to him that night in BeerSheba and told Yitzhak (Isaac) that for the sake of His servant Abraham, he would bless and multiply him and his generations. (Genesis 26:23-24)

Yitzhak’s response was one of gratitude and worship. He immediately built an altar and called upon the Name of the LORD. He pitched a tent and his servants dug another well right there. (Genesis 26:25)

God will give the increase

The LORD gave wide spaces to Yitzhak: the green light (or green pastures!) that would ensure generational prosperity and testify to the goodness of the LORD in the lives of Abraham’s descendants.

Abraham and Isaac’s example can point us to Paul’s teaching to the apostolic generation:

“I [Paul/Sha’ul] planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:6

When we realize that some of us are called to plant and others to water (or to find water by digging wells!), we realize that each of us has a special role in Gods’ Kingdom plan.

Along the way, the enemy will try to thwart the plan, but in the end, if you remain faithful to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – you will thrive, prosper, and live to see the salvation of the LORD!

Has the enemy been at work trying to discourage or dissuade you? How have you seen hand of God working in your life to bring you to open spaces that will allow you to freely testify of the Good News and reflect God’s blessings and promises over you? Please leave a comment below, I love to hear from you! Shalom!

Gratitude & Giving Thanks: A Hebraic perspective

As we near Thanksgiving, I wanted to share with you a Hebraic perspective on the terms, “gratitude” and “giving thanks.” In Hebrew, the expressions are “hoda’ah” and “hakarat hatov.

Hoda’ah (הודיה): Thanksgiving & Praise

When the Bible beseeches us to “give thanks to our LORD, for He is good,” the Hebrew term used is most commonly “hoda’ah.” It varies in form due to grammar (commonly, “hodu”), but it comes from the same root “yadah”.

Here is an example of one of many instances where this term is used in the Bible:

“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.” Psalm 136:1, NKJV, emphasis added

Give Thanks to the LORD

Here, hoda’ah is in command form and is pronounced “hodu.”

Hodu, L’ADONAI Ki Tov. Give thanks to the LORD for He is good.

Here, it is to be understood that we must give thanks! It is a command! Give thanks!

Hodu is intertwined with the idea of “praise.”

The Tree of Live Version, which is very true to the original Hebraic intent of the Scriptures, chose not to translate “hodu” as “give thanks,” and instead translated it as “praise.” This illumines the broad meaning of the word and teaches us this truth: our giving of thanks should always include the element of praise!

Praise ADONAI, for He is good,
for His lovingkindness endures forever.” Psalm 136, TLV, emphasis added

A Hebraic understanding of this verse is very holistic: we give the LORD our God thanks and praise as we confess our love for Him and acknowledge Him. Our thanks cannot possibly exist apart from our praise.

What’s more, the root term “yadah” literally refers to having “outstretched arms,” a demonstrative act of worship, of “throwing one’s hands” out in thankfulness and in thanksgiving. Biblically, praise includes the outstretching of our arms and the lifting of our hands as a true expression of thanks. “Hodu” is the imperative form: telling us, we must give thanks! We must praise!

Want to learn a bit of Hebrew to impress your friends and families at the Thanksgiving table? 😉

Listen to these two songs based on Psalm 136:1 and you will quickly learn how to say, “Give thanks to the LORD for He is good.”

It is easy to pronounce. Hodu l’Adonai ki tov. הוֹדוּ לַיהוָה כִּי-טוֹב

The song by Barry & Batya Segal is so filled with shalom! I first heard this song on the ADONAI cd when I was very young, and those songs ministered to me in such a way that truly helped lead me to my Messiah Yeshua (Savior Lord Jesus Christ). I hope it blesses you today, too, as you prepare your heart and home for Thanksgiving!

Hodu L’Adonai Ki Tov (Give Thanks to the LORD for He is good) [Psalm 136:1]  הוֹדוּ לַיהוָה כִּי-טוֹב

Here is another beautiful song that includes the phrase, “Hodu L’Adonai Ki Tov.” It is called “Give Thanks (Hodu)” by Joshua Aaron:

“Hodu” Live at the Tower of David: Joshua Aaron

HaKarat HaTov (הַכָּרַת הַטּוֹב): “Recognizing the Good”

“HaKarat HaTov” is a Hebrew expression that is often translated as “gratitude,” but more literally means “recognizing the good.”

Though somewhat cliché, having an “attitude of gratitude” is an integral part of the life of faith.

Are you able to list what you are grateful for?

Do you dwell on the negatives in life or do you focus on the things you are thankful for?

“Recognizing the good” is a spiritual practice, if you really think about it.

Rather than focusing on what we don’t have, or what isn’t going right, we are commissioned to be disciples of Messiah Yeshua (our Lord Jesus Christ): followers of the One who is our All in All. We don’t need the world’s goods or gains. We just need Him.

“Recognizing the good” means just that: recognize the good that is already yours.

If you are a child of God, recognize the goodness of this truth!

If you know today that you are saved, recognize the goodness of salvation!

Of course, sometimes things don’t go quite as we would like.

When your car has a flat tire, be grateful you have a car to begin with. Recognize the good. Recognize that you are blessed.

When your family is loud and boisterous when you are just wanting to take a nap, be grateful you have a family. HaKarat haTov: recognize the good. Recognize that you are indeed blessed!

Choosing to live your life in a way in which you are recognizing the good will change your perspective on everything. The spirit of bitterness will have to flee. The spirit of comparison will lose its power. The spirits of envy and all types of negativity will no longer have a place in your life.

So this Thanksgiving, choose true, godly gratitude. Recognize the good and be thankful for it.

HaTov The Good One, Infinite Compassion. This video is subtitled in Spanish, but there is an English translation available at this YouTube link:

HaTov The Good One, Infinite in Compassion subtitled in English. I tried to paste the video here, but it wouldn’t allow it (only the Spanish one if you happen to understand Spanish), so please follow this hyperlink and you will find it in English.

Hodu: Turkey?!

Fun fact: In Hebrew, Hodu is used for both “giving thanks” as well as the word for “turkey!” The accent is changed, so Hodú is “give thanks”, but Hódu is “turkey!” Even more attention-grabbing: Hodu is also the term used to describe the nation of India!

Israelis refer to a “turkey” as an “Indian chicken!” And we know Christopher Columbus thought he had landed in India! The Pilgrims knew better . . . but you decide: Is this all just a coincidence, that the Hebrew word for “thanksgiving” just so happens to be the word for “turkey,” too!?

There are also some interesting parallels between the traditional Thanksgiving feast and the traditions around Sukkot, namely sharing an abundance of food and the command to be thankful and joyous.

Finally, the Jewish people are known as “Yehudi” in Hebrew (also translated in English as Judah): Yehudi is related also to “hodu/hodaya” (thanksgiving), so the very name of the people of God and tribe of Judah is rooted in Gratitude! The Grateful People, the People of Gratitude!

So be filled with thankfulness and gratitude today! The Scriptures are filled with so many linguistic treasures, but we must be diligent in our study and prayerful – that Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit) would reveal more of these wonderful revelations to us to help strengthen our faith and refresh our spirit!

Chag Ha’hodaya! Happy Thanksgiving!

Falling in love: Rivkah’s tumble off a camel, head-over-heels for Yitzhak [Rebekah & Isaac]

Parashat Chayei Sarah (B‘reishit/Genesis 23−25:18) 5783 B”H

Love at first sight: a personal story

A Language Barrier

When I first met my husband, we didn’t even speak the same language!

We met at church, but I was part of the English-speaking ministry, and he, the Spanish-speaking. I would attend the Spanish language services from time to time to support the work they were doing, but I honestly did not understand much of anything.

I could decipher a few words here and there because I had studied French. (I had traveled to France and become quite fluent. I even minored in French in college.)

Yes, I did all of that work to marry a man who speaks Spanish.

I guess I missed the mark on hearing from God when we were selecting a foreign language to learn in the seventh grade. 😉

A man of God

Some of the sisters and brothers at the church had told me there was a young man in the Spanish congregation who was praying for me. They told me this guy would be my “prince.”

I told them they were crazy. It was sounding like an arranged marriage! I insisted that I didn’t speak Spanish, and that they should tell the poor fellow to find someone else!

Well, little did I know, this very good-looking young man really was praying for me.

He spent 6 months praying and fasting to seek God about whether or not I was to be his wife.


For those 6 months, I didn’t even know who he was! Apparently, he had seen me in a worship service and decided I was the one for him. (aww!)

He and several of the brothers in the church had agreed in prayer that if I was indeed to be his wife, the confirmation would be that I would begin to speak Spanish. I didn’t know about any of these plans about me until many months later.

So one day, these “godly conspirators” introduced me to my now-husband.

Though I could not speak his language, I could see the anointing of the LORD in his eyes, and I knew I was going to marry that handsome man.

Through interpreters, he asked me to go out to eat with him at a local Mexican restaurant.

An interpreter from the church accompanied us on all our first dates!

So we were very well-chaperoned!

I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) to teach me the Spanish language. I had learned French without much difficulty, and I spoke the heavenly language given to me by the Spirit, so I knew I was not asking too much.

Within two weeks, I was forming sentences in Spanish, and by 3 months, I was completely fluent in the language.

Love is a great motivator! 🙂

We were married that year and this year we celebrated 15 years of marriage!

Rivkah & Yitzhak’s Love

Are you married?

When you met your future spouse, was it love at first sight?

Did you have the deer-in-the-headlights look going on?

Did you develop two left feet and trip every time your honey glanced in your direction?

Rivkah (Rebekah) sure did.

When Rivkah (Rebekah) saw Yitzhak (Isaac) for the first time, it was love at first sight.

She fell so head-over-heels in love with him that she fell right off her camel!

In fact, if you are looking for a sweet romantic comedy, you really need look no further than this love story in Genesis 24.

The Bible often gets a bad rap! Antagonistic people falsely characterize believers as uptight and rigid, lacking in humor. Having not read the Bible for themselves, these types of people ignorantly assume that the Bible is boring and irrelevant. But the Bible isn’t boring at all!

Abraham sent his servant to find a young maiden for his precious son, Yitzhak (Isaac) to love and marry. This servant managed Abraham’s wealth and was the oldest of the household, so he would have known Abraham’s preferences very well. Abraham obligated his servant to promise, by oath, that he would not find him a Canaanite woman (Genesis 24:3).

The servant wisely sought the LORD about the matter (Genesis 24:12-14) and requested a sign as confirmation that the young woman was the one for Yitzhak (Isaac): the young woman would draw water and grant a drink to the servant as well as to his camels.

A Sign as Confirmation

Before the servant had even finished his prayer of supplication, Rivkah (Rebekah) appeared with her water jar and proceeded to fulfill that which was proposed as a confirmation.

Long story short, the servant speaks with Rivkah’s (Rebekah’s) family about marrying Yitzhak (Isaac).

It is worth noting (especially because the culture was very patriarchal) that Rivkah’s family told the servant that they wanted to ask Rivkah’s opinion (Genesis 24:57-58). She was not forced into an arranged marriage. She freely elected to go despite her young age. Her family blessed her with their love and also Abraham’s servants before they departed (Genesis 24:60).

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is key in this passage. Abraham had demonstrated great faith, his servant was a praying man, Rivkah’s family prayed and blessed them, and then we find Yitzhak (Isaac) praying in meditation when the caravan arrived (Genesis 24:63).

The Bible says that Yitzhak lifted his eyes and saw the camels coming.

And at the same time, Rivkah lifted up her eyes . . . saw Yitzhak . . . and yes, fell off her camel (Genesis 24:64).

How embarrassing, no?

She scrambled to fix her veil and make herself presentable as Abraham’s servant informed Yitzhak that this young woman was to be his wife (Genesis 24:65c-66)! The Word says that Yitzhak (Isaac) loved Rivkah (Rebekah) and she became his wife (Genesis 24:67).

The Promise to Abraham would be fulfilled, beginning with the love story of Yitzhak and Rivkah

The LORD had promised Abraham that he would make his descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand by the seashore. (Genesis 22:17) That promise began its fulfillment with the marriage of Yitzhak and Rivkah.

Abraham lived to be 175 years old and he “died at a good old age, old and satisfied” (Genesis 25:8).

What has the LORD promised to you?

The Bible contains promises that apply to your life, too!

When you seek the LORD and love Him with all your heart, He will speak to you and reveal those promises to you.

Repent, believe in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ our LORD), be baptized, and be filled with the Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit)! As a child of God, by the mercy of our Savior, you are humbly entitled to the richness of His promises:

“For the promise is for you and your children, and for all who are far away—as many as ADONAI our God calls to Himself.” Acts 2:39

Would you like to share what God has spoken into your life? What promise of God particularly blesses and encourages you? Please leave a comment below!