Hebrews 5:1 tells us “For every kohen gadol [high priest] taken from among men is appointed to act on behalf of people in matters relating to God, so that he may offer […]
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Psalm 19:8-10
The Torah of ADONAI is perfect Psalm 19:8-10 The Torah of ADONAI is perfect, restoring the soul. The testimony of ADONAI is trustworthy, making the simple wise. The precepts of ADONAI are right, […]
Balaam & Balak: Conspiring to curse Israel
King Balak was terrified of what would come to his kingdom once the Israelites arrived. Israel had just decimated the Amorites, so this king had reason to be […]
The Feast of Tabernacles and Biblical Prophecy
Feast of Tabernacles and Biblical Prophecy image_pdfimage_print “Sukkot” is the Hebrew term referring to the Feast of Tabernacles (also known as the Feast of Booths in many English […]
The joyful shout of Yom Teruah(Rosh Hashanah)
Yom Teruah (“Day of the Shout”) is the correct Biblical name for the Holy Day more commonly called Rosh Hashanah, meaning “Head of the Year.” To make things more complicated, Rosh […]
Yom Teruah: the day of the shout! AND: Rosh Hashanah Brisket Recipe!
is the day of the shout! The day to sound the shofars and remember that with a shout, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will return for […]
Biblical Mothers of the Faith: Phoebe, Priscilla, and Junia
Today, let’s analyze Romans 16. This is a chapter in the Bible that highlights women serving in ministry. These women are mothers of the faith. This Mother’s Day weekend, let us […]
15 Important Instructions from the Leviticus Holiness Code
The Leviticus Holiness Code The Holiness Code found in Leviticus 19 tells the people of God that they are to be holy, for ADONAI is holy. The term in Hebrew is קְדֹשִׁים q’doshim (also spelled, kedoshim) […]
Surgery? Covid-19? Anxiety? Bible verses to comfort you
Then [Yeshua/Jesus] continued telling them, “Nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes along with famines and epidemics in various places, and there will […]
Tzedek, Tzadik, & Tzedakah: Matthew 6:3-4 through a Hebraic lens
Charitable giving is tracked, graphed, sought-after, solicited, pleaded for, telethoned for . . . and for good reason – there is a healthy motivation when all parties involved […]