Parashat D’varim (Deuteronomy 1-3:22) 5782 B”H The Book of “Words” The book of Deuteronomy is known as “D’varim” in Hebrew, which simply means, “Words.” D’varim is comprised of 34 chapters, so yes, there […]
The Waters of Creation, the Great Flood, & Babel’s attempt at Post-Flood Disaster Recovery
Parashat Noach (Genesis 6:9-11) 5783 B”H The Holy Spirit hovered over the Waters at Creation In studying Parashat B’reishit, I emphasized how Genesis 1:2 can help you share the Gospel. You may recall […]
The Guardian of Israel
Prudence and Safety are prioritized in Scripture by the Guardian of Israel Have you ever driven on a mountainous road that lacks guardrails? Or looked off the edge […]
Yosef’s (Joseph’s) spiritual gifts
Parashot Miketz (B‘reishit/Genesis 41-44:17), Vayigash (B’reishit/Genesis 44:18 – 47:27, (B’reishit/Vayechi Genesis 47:28 – 50) 5783 B”H Yosef (Joseph) was blessed with spiritual gifts that helped him overcome adversity and […]
The Tabernacle’s skilled artisans
Skill + Dedication + Divine Inspiration Exodus 35-38 describes the preparations needed for the realization of the Tabernacle’s construction. It answers these types of questions: What materials? How […]
Binding Love: Abraham & Isaac
Isaac: A Beloved son If you are a parent, you know firsthand the eager anticipation and joy that comes with pregnancy and the birth of a child. Abraham […]
Sticks and Stones on Sabbath
Underneath that pile of stones laid a man who had no understanding of his need for a relationship with his Maker. Bruised and buried, that man represents all […]
The Leviticus 11 Controversy
We have reached a more controversial portion of Leviticus. We have looked at the five offerings of Leviticus and how they relate to the Good News, how Leviticus might be made […]
Don’t stop reading Deuteronomy 28 at verse 14
The first part of Deuteronomy (Devarim) 28 is a favorite for many. And who wouldn’t like it? ” . . . all these blessings will come upon you and overtake […]