As we near Thanksgiving, I wanted to share with you a Hebraic perspective on the terms, “gratitude” and “giving thanks.” In Hebrew, the expressions are “hoda’ah” and “hakarat […]
How Genesis 1:2 can help you lead a friend to the LORD (and away from the Jehovah’s Witness movement)
Beginning at the Beginning Each year after Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles), it is customary to begin re-reading through Torah (the first five books of the Bible). I personally believe it […]
Our Redeemer: the One who is Near
Parashat B’har (V’yikra/Leviticus 25-26:2) 5782 B”H In Leviticus 25:25-28, we read a passage that quickly brings to mind Ruth and Boaz: “If your brother becomes poor and sells some of his […]
Daniel 3: Four in the Fire
Table of Contents Recap of Daniel 2: Interpretation of Dreams Daniel, like Joseph Genesis 41:37-41 Daniel 3:1-7 King Nebuchadnezzar’s Image of Gold What was the image? Dedication of […]
D’varim and Deliverance in Luke 4
March 3, 2023 6 min read The Word of God provides for our deliverance from ha-satan’s attacks. Today, we look at how our Savior used Scripture during the wilderness […]
Rehoboam and Jeroboam: a nation divided
April 22, 2023 8 min read 3 Table of Contents King Solomon’s downfall: lust for seductive women and idolatry The Consequence for his sin: King Solomon’s kingdom would be […]
What would you ask from Yeshua?
wisdom has been ascribed to Solomon. The Proverbs attributed to Solomon, however, do employ this term frequently. Here in 1 Kings 3, a form of the word chokhmah […]
Daniel 5: King Belshazzar and a new King in charge
Table of Contents A New King in charge: King Belshazzar Daniel 5:1 Succession King Nebuchadnezzar to King Belshazzar Daniel 5:2-4 Belshazzar’s desecration of the temple utensils Daniel 5:5-12 […]
Daniel’s 70 weeks Prophecy and the War in Israel
Table of Contents End-times prophecy in Daniel 9 A key prophecy found in the book of Daniel: 70 weeks During the 70 “7’s, 6 important things will happen: […]
Sh’ma: The Greatest Commandment
Parashat Va’etchanan (D’varim/Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) 5782 B”H A Question about the Torah (שאלה sh’eilah) One day a Pharisee asked Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) this question: “Rabbi, which is the greatest commandment in the Torah?” Matthew […]