I love the question that the wise men asked when they arrived in Jerusalem: “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?” Matthew 2:2. Let’s ask that […]
Review: the new NIV Student Bible (New International Version)
I am a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2). As a #BibleGatewayPartner, I have received a copy of the NIV Student Bible published by Zondervan Bibles at no cost to […]
D’varim and Deliverance in Luke 4
March 3, 2023 6 min read The Word of God provides for our deliverance from ha-satan’s attacks. Today, we look at how our Savior used Scripture during the wilderness […]
Daniel 5: King Belshazzar and a new King in charge
Table of Contents A New King in charge: King Belshazzar Daniel 5:1 Succession King Nebuchadnezzar to King Belshazzar Daniel 5:2-4 Belshazzar’s desecration of the temple utensils Daniel 5:5-12 […]
Daniel’s 70 weeks Prophecy and the War in Israel
Table of Contents End-times prophecy in Daniel 9 A key prophecy found in the book of Daniel: 70 weeks During the 70 “7’s, 6 important things will happen: […]
Sh’ma: The Greatest Commandment
Parashat Va’etchanan (D’varim/Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) 5782 B”H A Question about the Torah (שאלה sh’eilah) One day a Pharisee asked Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) this question: “Rabbi, which is the greatest commandment in the Torah?” Matthew […]
Review: KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible
I am a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2). As a #BibleGatewayPartner, I have received a copy of the KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible published by Zondervan Bibles at no cost […]
Spirit-filled Songs of Praise in Luke’s Gospel
Last week, I focused on Dr.Luke, Gospel-writer. His purpose in writing was so that the beloved ones would “know for sure the Truth.” We will see today that Luke was also […]
Kohanim & the Priesthood of all Believers
Hebrews 5:1 tells us “For every kohen gadol [high priest] taken from among men is appointed to act on behalf of people in matters relating to God, so that he may offer […]
Yom Teruah: the day of the shout! AND: Rosh Hashanah Brisket Recipe!
is the day of the shout! The day to sound the shofars and remember that with a shout, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will return for […]