I enjoyed Dr.Levine’s ability to draw out the characteristics of people described by the Gospel writers. For example, I liked the way she helps the reader imagine the […]
Biblical Feasts / Israel / Ministry / Tanakh / Torah
Shabbat shalom, mishpocha!
May you have a peaceful and restful Sabbath, dear friends. So Bnei-Yisrael is to keep the Shabbat, to observe the Shabbat throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between […]
Biblical Feasts / Good News / Israel / Ministry / New Testament / Tanakh
How our family celebrates the Feast of Tabernacles
Here in the north, planning for Sukkot requires consideration of the temperatures, especially when Sukkot is in October. This year, Sukkot starts in September, so we may not […]
What does it truly mean to be “Pentecostal”?
Table of Contents Pentecostal Christianity The Erroneous Jesus-only doctrine What makes a person “Pentecostal?” The Full Gospel Pentecostalism is about receiving all that the LORD has for […]