Prudence and Safety are prioritized in Scripture by the Guardian of Israel Have you ever driven on a mountainous road that lacks guardrails? Or looked off the edge […]
Review: Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible
I am a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2). As a #BibleGatewayPartner, I have received a copy of the“Matthew Henry Daily Devotional Bible – NKJV Translation” published by Thomas […]
16 Fundamental Truths for Understanding the Bible and reaching the world with the Gospel
Table of Contents The Assemblies of God: 85 Million adherents strong The Assemblies of God and church planting (a humorous story!) 16 Fundamental Truths based entirely on Biblical […]
The Leviticus 11 Controversy
We have reached a more controversial portion of Leviticus. We have looked at the five offerings of Leviticus and how they relate to the Good News, how Leviticus might be made […]
Elul: repent and rejoice! the King is in the field
Table of Contents The Hebrew month of Elul Elul, the High Holy Days, and the Coming of the Bridegroom Repentance and Holiness Teshuvah: Biblical Repentance 40 Days of […]
Divine Empowerment in an “Inclusive” Age: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2
The Empowerment of followers of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) Acts 2 is one of my favorite passages of Scripture: When the day of Shavu’ot [Pentecost] had come, they were all together in […]
As part of the Thomas Nelson Bibles blogger program, I have received a copy of the Thomas Nelson NKJV Ultra Thinline Bible published by Thomas Nelson Bibles/Harper Collins Publishers at no cost to me in exchange […]
Yom Kippur and Messiah’s return
There are many Messianic prophecies in the Bible, but what is found in Zechariah 12 in particular regarding mourning (i.e. genuine, travailing repentance) is very much related to […]
6 stone jars, 120 gallons of wine, and an extraordinary wedding in Cana
But: have you ever thought about the mechanics of this miracle? Let’s look to the John’s account: John 2:6. “Now there were 6 stone jars, used for the […]
Ethan the Ezrahite: Praise strongly “breaking forth!”
Table of Contents Who is like You, LORD God Almighty: Mi chamocha Adonai Elohei Tzva’ot Stand up and Give Him the Praise Ethan the Ezrahite Ethan: A […]