There are many Messianic prophecies in the Bible, but what is found in Zechariah 12 in particular regarding mourning (i.e. genuine, travailing repentance) is very much related to […]
Escaping Egypt
“After Pharaoh had let the people go . . . ” Ex.13:17a These words of Scripture are well-known to the children of the LORD because here the Word […]
Memorial Day: The Memory of the Righteous is a blessing
What comes to mind when you think of Memorial Day? If your family is anything like ours, you’ve probably got outdoor plans and a grill to light up. […]
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob . . . and Nathanael
Parashat Vayeitzei [Vayetze] (B‘reishit/Genesis 28:10-32:3) 5783 B”H How does Jacob’s life and story relate to Nathanael in John 1? Find out in today’s Bible study! A Dysfunctional Family Yaakov (Jacob) wasn’t […]
The 7 species of the land of Israel
\ Parashat Eiqev/Eikev/Ekev (D’varim/Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25) 5782 B”H 7 species promised to the land of Israel Today, let’s look at the 7 kinds or “species” promised to the land and people […]
Haman’s wife Zeresh was right about this 1 thing
From Haman to Hamas, Israel is all too often surrounded and attacked by enemies, but fear not, the enemy will never prevail! Baruch HaShem Adonai, the Guardian of […]
What will be written on the gates in New Jerusalem?
What will New Jerusalem look like? One day, the Holy City, a.k.a. the New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven. Voilà! All things made new! John, the author […]
Hanukkah, Zerubbabel, and the Second Temple
Some who have studied history have heard of Hanukkah’s hero, Judah (Judas) Maccabee, but are you familiar with how Zerubbabel fits into the story? Today we will take a […]
Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?
I love the question that the wise men asked when they arrived in Jerusalem: “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?” Matthew 2:2. Let’s ask that […]
Gratitude & Giving Thanks: A Hebraic perspective
As we near Thanksgiving, I wanted to share with you a Hebraic perspective on the terms, “gratitude” and “giving thanks.” In Hebrew, the expressions are “hoda’ah” and “hakarat […]