Parashat D’varim (Deuteronomy 1-3:22) 5782 B”H The Book of “Words” The book of Deuteronomy is known as “D’varim” in Hebrew, which simply means, “Words.” D’varim is comprised of 34 chapters, so yes, there […]
Tisha b’Av in the Bible
Tisha b’Av 5783 B”H Table of Contents Is Tisha b’Av “Biblical?” Hebrew Civil Calendar Hebrew Religious Calendar What is Tisha b’Av? What has happened on Tisha b’Av? Fasting […]
How to pray for Ukraine and Russia
The Invasion of Ukraine by Russia As we hear rumors of war and so many nations set themselves on a course to rage against one another once again, […]
Behold, your King is coming to you: Zechariah’s Palm Sunday prophecy
It is already nearly Palm Sunday and Passover! We still have snow on the ground here in the northwoods, but the joy of our Savior’s Resurrection warms our hearts and helps […]
The War in Israel and God’s Word
One prophecy that really stands out to me is found in Amos. Philistine Gaza had partnered with the descendants of Esau (the Edomites) to turn in Jews to […]
Palm Sunday: the Hour has Come
Table of Contents Zechariah’s Shabbat HaGadol/Palm Sunday Prophecy “From the River to the Sea . . . to the ends of the earth” Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem […]
A blessing that changed history: Birkat Kohanim
Have you heard the beautiful song titled, “The Blessing,” by Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, and Elevation Worship? The lyrics for the beginning of the song come directly from Numbers 6:22-26. Many […]
Focus, Purpose, & Intention in Numbers 30-36
Parashot Matot-Mas’ei (Numbers/B’midbar 30:2-36) 5782 B”H A Study looking at Kavanah: Intentionality/Focus Do you speak legalese? I grew up learning legalese. My dad is an attorney so I knew legal phrases […]
Elul: repent and rejoice! the King is in the field
Table of Contents The Hebrew month of Elul Elul, the High Holy Days, and the Coming of the Bridegroom Repentance and Holiness Teshuvah: Biblical Repentance 40 Days of […]