Completion of the Tabernacle This passage starts out where we left off discussing the Tabernacle’s skilled artisans, Betzalel and Oholiab. They were the wise-hearted, skilled artisans who were responsible […]
How Genesis 1:2 can help you lead a friend to the LORD (and away from the Jehovah’s Witness movement)
Beginning at the Beginning Each year after Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles), it is customary to begin re-reading through Torah (the first five books of the Bible). I personally believe it […]
Our Redeemer: the One who is Near
Parashat B’har (V’yikra/Leviticus 25-26:2) 5782 B”H In Leviticus 25:25-28, we read a passage that quickly brings to mind Ruth and Boaz: “If your brother becomes poor and sells some of his […]
What would you ask from Yeshua?
wisdom has been ascribed to Solomon. The Proverbs attributed to Solomon, however, do employ this term frequently. Here in 1 Kings 3, a form of the word chokhmah […]
Spirit-filled Songs of Praise in Luke’s Gospel
Last week, I focused on Dr.Luke, Gospel-writer. His purpose in writing was so that the beloved ones would “know for sure the Truth.” We will see today that Luke was also […]
The Feast of Tabernacles and Biblical Prophecy
Feast of Tabernacles and Biblical Prophecy image_pdfimage_print “Sukkot” is the Hebrew term referring to the Feast of Tabernacles (also known as the Feast of Booths in many English […]
The joyful shout of Yom Teruah(Rosh Hashanah)
Yom Teruah (“Day of the Shout”) is the correct Biblical name for the Holy Day more commonly called Rosh Hashanah, meaning “Head of the Year.” To make things more complicated, Rosh […]
Tzedek, Tzadik, & Tzedakah: Matthew 6:3-4 through a Hebraic lens
Charitable giving is tracked, graphed, sought-after, solicited, pleaded for, telethoned for . . . and for good reason – there is a healthy motivation when all parties involved […]
The Biblical Spring Feasts
Are you familiar with the springtime Biblical feasts? Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of First Fruits, and the Feast of Weeks are special days outlined in […]