Tisha b’Av 5783 B”H Table of Contents Is Tisha b’Av “Biblical?” Hebrew Civil Calendar Hebrew Religious Calendar What is Tisha b’Av? What has happened on Tisha b’Av? Fasting […]
The Resurrection: Where is Jesus?!
Table of Contents The Empty Tomb: Jesus rose from the dead! John’s Resurrection Account: Conquering Fear Mary Magdalene’s discovery at the tomb Luke’s Resurrection Account Peter Jesus appears […]
The Tabernacle’s skilled artisans
Skill + Dedication + Divine Inspiration Exodus 35-38 describes the preparations needed for the realization of the Tabernacle’s construction. It answers these types of questions: What materials? How […]
Behold, your King is coming to you: Zechariah’s Palm Sunday prophecy
It is already nearly Palm Sunday and Passover! We still have snow on the ground here in the northwoods, but the joy of our Savior’s Resurrection warms our hearts and helps […]
Palm Sunday: the Hour has Come
Table of Contents Zechariah’s Shabbat HaGadol/Palm Sunday Prophecy “From the River to the Sea . . . to the ends of the earth” Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem […]
Elul: repent and rejoice! the King is in the field
Table of Contents The Hebrew month of Elul Elul, the High Holy Days, and the Coming of the Bridegroom Repentance and Holiness Teshuvah: Biblical Repentance 40 Days of […]
6 stone jars, 120 gallons of wine, and an extraordinary wedding in Cana
But: have you ever thought about the mechanics of this miracle? Let’s look to the John’s account: John 2:6. “Now there were 6 stone jars, used for the […]
The Biblical Autumn Feasts
Parashat Emor (V’yikra/Leviticus 21-24) 5782, B”H In the springtime, we looked at the Biblical Spring Feasts. As we near autumn, today let’s revisit that passage of Scripture from Leviticus that […]
The 7 species of the land of Israel
\ Parashat Eiqev/Eikev/Ekev (D’varim/Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25) 5782 B”H 7 species promised to the land of Israel Today, let’s look at the 7 kinds or “species” promised to the land and people […]
Haman’s wife Zeresh was right about this 1 thing
From Haman to Hamas, Israel is all too often surrounded and attacked by enemies, but fear not, the enemy will never prevail! Baruch HaShem Adonai, the Guardian of […]