Memorial Day: The Memory of the Righteous is a blessing

Proverbs 10:7

What comes to mind when you think of Memorial Day?

If your family is anything like ours, you’ve probably got outdoor plans and a grill to light up. Memorial Day weekend is a wonderful time to enjoy being with family as most people have extra time off of work, and there is certainly nothing wrong with extra family time!

But while you are preparing to barbecue your burgers and Hebrew National hotdogs, I hope you have taken some time to reflect and thank HaShem for the gift of freedom that we have in the United States.

Just a few weeks ago, Israel was attacked by Hamas rocket fire. Safety, security, and freedom are not without cost. We must be thankful for all of those who have defended the United States, U.S. allies including Israel, and U.S. interests around the world.

Just a few weeks ago, Israel was attacked by Hamas rocket fire. Safety, security, and freedom are not without cost. We must be thankful for all of those who have defended the United States and U.S. allies including Israel. So many soldiers and their families have sacrificed so much for our freedoms, and of those many have been faithful servants of the Eternal One.

Let their service be honored and never forgotten, and as Proverbs 10:7 says: “The memory of the righteous is a blessing.”

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