Daniel 6: Unharmed by the lions

Daniel 6 LIONS DEN

Table of Contents

Last time, we went from King Nebuchadnezzar’s reign to King Belshazzar’s reign to the very beginning of King Darius’ reign.  A change has taken place in that Babylon has fallen and the Medo-Persian Empire was now in charge. Daniel would face the famous den of lions – and live in victory!

Captivity Continues

Daniel 6:1-3. Daniel and his friends were really still in captivity.

This period of time was known as the Babylonian captivity, but now Babylon had fallen and the Medo-Persian empire inherited the Judean captives.

But Daniel is still included as a resident of Babylon, so when King Darius demands that all of Babylon bow and worship, he was including all of the Hebrew captives.

So Daniel was a prisoner, but he was set above the rest to govern, one of 3 governors.

An Excellent spirit

Daniel 6:3 

Daniel was distinguished “because an excellent spirit was in him.”

This is the mark of person who loves God.

You should have an excellent spirit.  When you are at work, it should be so obvious that you are different.  My Bible has some commentary and it says Daniel had a “surpassing ability to do his job” and he probably had a “commendable attitude.”

Are there ever times when you don’t have a good attitude?

Ask the LORD to give you a positive outlook on life.

Daniel was so impressive that King Darius contemplated letting him run everything.

Being Blameless when those around you want to find fault

Daniel 6:4 How many of you know that when you finally start doing something great for God, the devil starts using people around you to discourage you?

The other governors and satraps wanted to find some fault with Daniel.  This guy is just too talented, he is making us look bad.

But they couldn’t find fault.

The Bible tells us to be blameless.

Philippians 2:14-16  “Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.”

Daniel is such a great example of that!

Daniel 6:5 They plot against him.  We can only find a fault with Daniel if it relates to the law of his God.  The conspirators know that Daniel will refuse to break God’s law.

Daniel was coming up against a whole host of demons.

These accusers had an angry, wickedly ambitious spirit about them, overly critical, jealous, compulsive, reactionary spirits.  Things of the enemy and things of the flesh.

But Daniel’s faith was not in the things of the flesh, but rather in the truth of God’s Word.  He knew how to operate in victory.

When prayer is against the law

Daniel 6:7 King Darius’ advisors conspire against Daniel and decide to make a royal decree.

Royal decrees were handled very differently back then than they are now.

Once a royal decree was issued, it couldn’t be revoked, even by the king. The law could not be changed. Why not?  Because if the law was changeable that would be admitting that the law was imperfect.  And since they wanted everyone to obey their laws, they would essentially be saying their manmade laws were infallible.

The royal decree stated that no one could worship anyone except King Darius for 30 days.  At least this law had an end date.

But the king had to sign it.

Is it that he truly trusted his advisors?  That they had all the best interests of his kingdom in mind?

Or was he pressured into signing it for political reasons?

He signed the decree.   Prayer was banned! (Dan.6:9)

Why did King Darius sign it!?

Did he honestly believe he was a god?  He might’ve.  That was the culture back then just like it remains in North Korea.  These leaders want full submission including worship.

Daniel 6:10. Daniel knew King Darius signed it, but instead of confronting the king about it or cowering in fear in some cave someplace, he simply went home.

He knew only God could intervene.

He opened his windows, got down on his knees 3x/day and prayed.

The Bible says as was his custom.

Daniel didn’t let his circumstances change him.  He remained steadfast in His devotion and he had unwavering faith that “pasa lo que pasa” whatever happens happens.  It’s in God’s hands.

Nothing to hide

He not only prayed, but he prayed with his windows open.  He had nothing to hide.

But there are always the tattletales and the troublemakers.

If it were suddenly against the law here in the US to pray, would you be found guilty?

Daniel 6:11-13 Daniel has disobeyed the king’s decree.  He must be cast into the den of lions.

That Daniel.

That ________(fill in your name.)  Those children of God are at it again, praying to the God who hears. The God who saves.

Notice the accusers in verse 13 don’t call him governor.  They intentionally call him a captive from Judah.  They want to make their case that Daniel is treasonous.  He isn’t good enough for their clique.

King Darius realizes his error

Daniel 6:14 the king was mad at himself.  He realized the foolishness of having signed the law.

He had sealed the fate – spoken death – over even his friend, Daniel whom he respected.

The king spent the whole afternoon trying to figure out how he could find a loophole in the decree so Daniel would be spared the lion’s den.

Daniel 6:15 but the accusers are back.  Hey, king, the law is the law.  Daniel’s going to be lion dinner.

Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den

Daniel 6:16-17 King Darius encourages Daniel and confesses with some faith here, that God who you serve so continually, He will deliver you.

Daniel 6:18-20 The king didn’t eat all night.  He was fasting, he refused entertainment.  He couldn’t sleep.  And in the morning he faced his worst fear and called out to Daniel.

The king asked, “has your God been able?

Our God is Able!

Oh, let me tell you today, our God is able!  Of course, our God is able!

Daniel 6:21-23. And Daniel answered King Darius.  God sent His ministering angel to shut the mouth of the lion.

Daniel was unhurt, Hallelujah.

No injury whatsoever because Daniel believed in his God.

Servant of God, expect great things. If you believe in your God, He will deliver you.

Daniel 6:24-26   The enemies of God can expect destruction.

All of the accusers were cast into the lion den along with their wives and children and none of them survived.

Daniel 6:27-28. King Darius pronounces a new decree that God should be honored.

So what does this all mean for us now?

Does it mean we should tempt God and jump the enclosures at the zoo so we can prove that God will protect us? Absolutely not, the Bible says do not tempt the Lord thy God.

There’s a true story about that.  A guy in Taiwan

Intentionally jumped into a lion’s pen at the zoo holding his Bible and shouting at the lions that Jesus was going to save him.

Needless to say, the lions attacked him, he got severe bite wounds, and the zoo personnel had to tranquilize the lions and get him to safety.

This man put everyone danger.

Sometimes people (even Christians) get some crazy ideas and want to convince themselves or others that God told them to do something.  I had heard of another guy who did something similar in Africa. Speaking in tongues and everything and he said, if I can survive the lion’s den I will prove the power of God to everyone looking.

Make sure that you are legitimately hearing from God.

Otherwise, Christians rightfully get a bad rap.  Y’all are crazy.  Y’all are jumping into lions dens. God doesn’t need our help in proving his power.

The serpent will not harm you Mark 16, but this is when the lion or the snake comes to you.  Don’t you go try finding it.  Don’t you go provoking the enemy.

It is entirely different if you were standing by the lion enclosure and an accident happened, and you found yourself in the midst of that den.  God could make those lions the tamest little cats around.

So today I want to encourage you to:

  1. Be like Daniel.  Have an excellent reputation.  Go the extra mile for God.  Do something you might be uncomfortable with for the sake of the Gospel.  Pray even when the world tells you not to.
  2. Don’t be like his accusers.  The enemy wants you on his side to cast blame, doubt, to even discourage your own self.  When those thoughts come to you that bring division, seek the Lord’s help.  The Lord will help you to develop a kind and generous spirit.  One that builds others up, and doesn’t tear them down.
  3. Have faith!  You’re going to find yourself in crazy situations you’ve never anticipated.  When you feel like your in a lion’s den with no escape and no plan, God can work His finest miracle in your life because you are powerless and hopeless without Him.  When you have no choice but to depend on your Heavenly Father, you will see that He will pull you through.


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