Quarrel & Accusation: 2 wells that couldn’t coverup victory at Rehoboth

Parashat Toledot (B‘reishit/Genesis 25:19-28:9) 5783 B”H

Our study begins today with the harsh realities of spiritual battle, but reminds us that victory is ours if we remain faithful to our LORD!

The Enemy’s Coverups

After Abraham had died, the Philistines covered over the wells he had dug in his lifetime, stopping them from providing any water. (Genesis 26:18).

Isn’t that how it goes sometimes?

The enemy is always ready to pounce.

A person works so very hard and so very diligently, but once they have either moved away or passed away, someone else comes along who wants to downplay or outright erase the memory of what that previous person did. This occurs because of a jealous spirit and selfish ambitions. In other cases, the enemy will devise a scheme and invent a coverup.

The enemy loves coverups, and there in the valley of Gerar, he literally inspired the Philistines to cover up the wells.

Sadly, I have seen this too often in ministry settings and if you have been hurt by this, I want you to be encouraged today because there is always a victory in the end. And it doesn’t only occur in churches. Families are often divided or torn apart by pettiness.

The Bible tells us to honor one another:

“Be tenderly devoted to one another in brotherly love; outdo one another in giving honor.” Romans 12:10

But all too often, rather than rejoicing in the wonderful, unique, God-given giftings of others, some church leaders find ways to discredit their peers, hiding behind seniority, experience, or education.

Yes… Sin finds its way in. Even in the church. Even in Bible-believing families.

So you have sowed and struggled and prayed.

The enemy preyed, but you prayed.

The enemy does his own preying.

The devil doesn’t want to see you well and prospering.

Abraham’s son Yitzhak (Isaac) was living into the promised blessing and became a wealthy and important man:

“Then Isaac sowed in that land and in that year reaped a hundredfold. ADONAI blessed him and the man became great and continued to become greater until he became very great. He acquired livestock of sheep and livestock of cattle, and numerous servants.” Genesis 26:12-14a, emphasis added

The Scriptures say, “Then the Philistines envied him.” Genesis 26:14b

The enemy of your soul will use any combination of envy, pride, arrogance, gossip, slander, distrust, anger, and jealousy to sow discord and disunity in families, businesses, and ministries.

Then the Philistines envied him. All the wells that his father’s servants had dug in the days of his father Abraham the Philistines stopped up and filled with dirt. So Abimelech said to Isaac, “Go away from us, for you are much more powerful than us.” Genesis 26:14b-16

Don’t give up or give in to the enemy’s way of doing things. Stay strong in the faith.

I am hopeful you have come out strong through the trials and the tests in life, but if you have ever taken a hard fall, be reminded today that God binds up the brokenhearted and heals every wound (Psalm 147:3). If you have been wounded in the battle, take the time you need to heal (this is very important!), and then get back up. Work toward restoration.

Is this you today?

Has the enemy been preying around you?

Have you been faithful to pray right against him?!

Restoring what the enemy tried to hide

Yitzhak (Isaac) wasn’t going to let his father’s legacy fade into the shadows.

“Then Isaac dug again the wells of water that had been dug in the days of his father Abraham—the Philistines had stopped them up after Abraham’s death. He gave them the same names that his father had given them.” Genesis 26:18

It wasn’t easy work in a desert land to dig a bunch of wells! But, the promise is sure:

“God, your God, will restore everything you lost…” Deuteronomy 30:3 MSG

If you remain faithful to the Mighty One of Israel, you will be able to go to the enemy’s camp and take back what he stole from you.

Living Water in the Desert

“Then Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and found a well of living water there.” Genesis 26:19

Living Water.

Isaac servants well Living Water

Doesn’t this point us right to the book of John? John testified quite a lot about God’s Living Water, and perhaps most relevantly to us in this study, he uses the geography of the land to situate the account of the Samaritan woman:

“So He comes to a Samaritan town called Shechem, near the plot of land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob’s well was there. So Yeshua,[Jesus] exhausted from the journey, was sitting by the well. It was midday.” John 4:5-6, emphasis added.

Notice, the well at Shechem in Samaria is attributed to Jacob (Yakov) — Isaac’s son.

The promise is to your children, and your children’s children . . .

The wells that Yitzhak (Isaac) and his servants uncovered would bless his children including Esav and Yacov, and future generations. The well was still operational generations later when the Samaritan woman came to draw water. The ancient well provided the perfect setting for a woman in need to meet her Savior.

“Yeshua [Jesus] replied to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” John 4:10

Be faithful in your generation

Yitzhak didn’t allow the good things accomplished in a past generation to just fade away under the dust.

He cared about that history.

He honored his father’s work.

But the work of restoration was met with some resistance.

Quarrels and Accusations

When the well of living water was found in the valley of Gerar, the shepherds there started arguing with him.

Because of that, Yitzhak (Isaac) named that well, “Quarrel.” [Esek] (Genesis 26:20).

The people at the Quarrel well said the water belonged to them.

And when he dug another well, he ended up naming it “Accusation,” [Sitnah] because the people kept on arguing with him over the water. (Genesis 26:21).

Quarrels and accusations.

The enemy wants to do anything he can to prevent people from accessing the Living Water.

But if you persist and you are faithful, great things will open up before you.

When Yitzhak dug another well – away from those that were causing conflict – there was no one around to argue about it.

Where are they who accuse you?

Yitzhak named this third well, “Wide Spaces” [Rehoboth]. (Genesis 26:22)

“Then he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he named it Wide Spaces and said, “Because now ADONAI has created wide spaces for us and we will be fruitful in the land.” Genesis 26:22

ADONAI’S Promise and Yitzhak’s response

The LORD watched Yitzhak’s faithful work.

He appeared to him that night in BeerSheba and told Yitzhak (Isaac) that for the sake of His servant Abraham, he would bless and multiply him and his generations. (Genesis 26:23-24)

Yitzhak’s response was one of gratitude and worship. He immediately built an altar and called upon the Name of the LORD. He pitched a tent and his servants dug another well right there. (Genesis 26:25)

God will give the increase

The LORD gave wide spaces to Yitzhak: the green light (or green pastures!) that would ensure generational prosperity and testify to the goodness of the LORD in the lives of Abraham’s descendants.

Abraham and Isaac’s example can point us to Paul’s teaching to the apostolic generation:

“I [Paul/Sha’ul] planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:6

When we realize that some of us are called to plant and others to water (or to find water by digging wells!), we realize that each of us has a special role in Gods’ Kingdom plan.

Along the way, the enemy will try to thwart the plan, but in the end, if you remain faithful to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – you will thrive, prosper, and live to see the salvation of the LORD!

Has the enemy been at work trying to discourage or dissuade you? How have you seen hand of God working in your life to bring you to open spaces that will allow you to freely testify of the Good News and reflect God’s blessings and promises over you? Please leave a comment below, I love to hear from you! Shalom!

Living Water at the Feast of Tabernacles: exploring John 7

Updated 10/11/22 5783 B”H

Preparations for the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

I have posted on preparations for the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) which involves plenty of fun, but today, I’d like to return to the spiritual side of things.

That said, I do want to encourage you: if you have never built a sukkah in your backyard, may this be the year!

The best way to understand something is by doing – by participating.

So, if you want to gain a deeper understanding of how our Savior lived and understand the truly impactful things that Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) said and taught, gaining a solid understanding of what Sukkot/the Feast of Tabernacles is and how it has been celebrated will increase your own Biblical comprehension and give you much greater spiritual revelation.

Sukkah for the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

The Significance of John 7:37-41a

On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Yeshua [Jesus] stood up and cried out loudly, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture says, ‘out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” Now He said this about the Ruach, whom those who trusted in Him were going to receive; for the Ruach was not yet given, since Yeshua was not yet glorified. When they heard these words, some of the crowd said, “This man really is the Prophet.” Others were saying, “This is the Messiah.” John 7:37-41a

The “Last and Greatest Day of the Feast” described by John refers to Hoshana Rabbah, a special day at the ending of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles.

You may recognize the word, “Hoshana” in that term, Hoshana Rabba. We get the term “Hosanna” from this, a pleading for the Holy One to “please save.

It has an emphatic tone in Hebrew: “Save now!” Hoshiana! It was a special day to plead for salvation.

A song you may enjoy: Hoshiana by Joshua Aaron

The Artscroll Siddur (a popular version of the Jewish siddur/prayerbook) contains an interesting prayer for the Feast of Tabernacles’ Hoshana Rabbah (p.757, Sukkos) pleading that God would “remove the . . . partition separating” “us from You.”

Just prior to this prayer, bundles of lulav and etrog with the requisite myrtle and willow are literally beaten on the ground.

You can begin to see the Messianic significance:

Our Savior was beaten for our transgressions;

the earth absorbed His precious blood.

The veil has been torn.

But this is just a glimpse of more to come.

Sukkot in the Historical Record

Writings in the Talmud and even Josephus describe Sukkot in historical terms, giving full credibility that Sukkot was indeed celebrated every year.

The Talmud and Rabbi Akiva, the prominent 1st century Jewish rabbi, describe the water libations that were part of the Feast of Tabernacle services every year.

The historical record gives us an idea about what every Jewish family would have been accustomed to during the yearly feast.

While the water ceremony was not established by Torah, there is evidence in the Tanakh that the pouring of water had become part of the Sukkot tradition to demonstrate gratitude for rain at least as far back as the time of Zechariah, or soon after, as the prophet definitely references it.

The feast lasted either 7 or 8 days (there is some controversy on how long it actually lasted), but what is certain is that Hoshana Rabbah was an exuberant gathering.

Water was drawn from the Pool of Siloam, brought to the Temple, poured on the altar, and berakhot (blessings) were said, thanking the LORD Most High for rain.

That same pool of water would be the site where the blind man was healed and Messiah’s healing ministry would expand.

The waters would cleanse, purify, and usher in a new reality. The Messiah had come, was standing before them, and He would fill those who believed in Him with His Living Water.

So be glad, children of Zion,
and rejoice in ADONAI your God.
For He gives you the early rain for prosperity,
Yes, He will bring down rain for you,
the early and latter rain as before.

JOEL 2:23

Zechariah warns the nations who do not participate in the Feast of Tabernacles that they will not have rain:

Zech.14:17-19: “Furthermore, if any of the nations on earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, Adonai-Tzva’ot, they will have no rain. If the Egyptians do not go up and celebrate, they will have no rain. Instead, there will be the plague that Adonai will inflict on the nations that do not go up to celebrate Sukkot. This will be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not go up to celebrate Sukkot.”

During Sukkot, the Jewish community thanked the God of Israel for rain

The people gathered would have been expecting to see the synagogue leaders circling the altar 7 times and they were used to watching the outpouring of water. But they would not have been expecting the Rabbi from Nazareth to declare that He is the source of all Water! His words reveal that He is One with the Creator! And not just any old water, Living Water!

I like the way that Leon Morris succinctly describes this:

“In words reminiscent of those in [John]4:10, Jesus gives the invitation to the thirsty to come to [H]im and drink. There is the implication that the thirsty soul will find that Jesus fills the need that cannot be supplied elsewhere. The appropriateness of the words at this feast is that, throughout the seven days, libations were made in the Temple with water brought from the pool of Siloam (Sukkot.4:9), but on the eighth day no water was poured, and this would make Jesus’ claim all the more impressive.”

Morris, Leon. The Gospel According to John. NICNT. Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1995. Emphasis added.

Celebrating Sukkot

Our Messiah came to dwell with us – to tabernacle with us. The Feast of Tabernacles is so rich in meaning and this post just scratches the surface, but I hope you gained a new perspective.

Sukkot is such a special time for the people of God, and I invite you to celebrate it this year!

If you do, you will be part of a worldwide dress rehearsal, because Scripture indicates future celebrations of this joyous feast!

“Then all the survivors from all the nations that attacked Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, Adonai-Tzva’ot, and to celebrate Sukkot.”

zechariah 14:16

May you be filled with Living Water and equipped to testify to the nations!

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“…In that day living waters will flow from Jerusalem…” Zechariah 14:8
“With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3
Luke 22:20