Kohanim & the Priesthood of all Believers

Parashat T’tzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10)

Hebrews 5:1 tells us “For every kohen gadol [high priest] taken from among men is appointed to act on behalf of people in matters relating to God, so that he may offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.”

This verse shows that every priest

  1. is chosen/set apart from others
  2. is appointed
  3. serves as an intermediary between people and G-D
  4. offers gifts and sacrifices for sins


The priest has garnered a level of favor making him “more worthy” than others to stand before the throne of the Most High.

We must realize that to be the appointee means there is an Appointer. In Torah, we see that the LORD Himself chooses who will serve as His priests. In the B’rit Chadasha (New Testament), the Eternal One reveals that His Son, Yeshua, (Jesus), is the Great High Priest for us, the divine and perfect kohen gadol.

While Aaron, Eleazar, and the other priests (kohanim) certainly did their best in their human capacity to serve this important role of standing between the people and God, they would never be “worthy enough” to completely save the people from their sin. Every year, on Yom Kippur, atonement would be made, but after that appointed hour, sin would continue to hold a grasp on the people and guilt would never be fully eradicated. The sacrificial system was in place to help cleanse an imperfect people of their sin, but a perfect sacrifice was needed: the perfect Lamb of God.

1 Peter 2 exhorts followers of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) to understand that they are now part of the royal priesthood.

Yeshua (Jesus) came for us, served as our Great High Priest, died for us, and is resurrected in eternal new life and is seated at the right hand of God our Father. He lived on the earth in this way to teach us how to live. He served as High Priest not only to save us, but to empower us in our new roles as among the divinely-appointed priesthood. Peter describes our role as to be “pleasing” to God. We obey the LORD, not because we must or should, but because we love Him.

Now, let us consider what is truly remarkable!

From unworthy to made worthy

Formerly, we were all completely unworthy.

We could not be appointed to such a noble task as standing between earth and heaven in the Holy Place.

No sacrifice we would have offered could have ever been enough to earn forgiveness.

No gift, no gold, nothing on this earth could have served as a gift fine enough to present before the King of kings in exchange for His favor and forgiveness.


We were without hope. We were completely dependent upon the mercy of God and the obedience of an earthly priest.

Now, we are appointed as priests, and not just any old priest: we are priests of the royal lineage. We are princes and princesses, sons and daughters of the King of kings, and He delights that we serve Him. No longer does an earthly man stand between us and our Creator. We need only turn to Yeshua (Jesus), who makes intercession for us, and He Himself welcomes us, for He and the Father are One. (John 10:30).

It was revolutionary for our Lord Yeshua to say this. Every day, Jews would recite the Sh’ma, that the LORD our God, the LORD is One (Deut.6:4). So when He said, “I and the Father are One” in John 10:30, many eyes would have been opened to the Truth of His identity. Truly, this is the Son of God!

Sh’ma Y’Israel

Priestly garments

The vestments of YHVH’s priests were very specific. Today, when many people think of priests, they think of the Catholic or Mormon religion or pagan priesthoods. The fact that there are so many different religious groups that have their own priesthoods and priestly rituals shows that humanity in general understands its need for a priestly function, a moderator between us and the divine. Deep down, we know that we ourselves can do nothing and are in desperate need of a spiritual connection with the Holy One.

Unfortunately, everything outside of Scripture is errant, so we must look to what the Bible actually required and instituted. Roman Catholic priests, for example, base their apparel and actions on papal directives, not on Biblical mandate. One most obvious difference – Roman Catholics priests are famously not allowed to marry or have children, but Biblically, we know that Aaron the priest married Elisheba and had four sons.

Let’s look further at what the Bible describes as related to Biblical priesthood.

The priesthood garments of the Bible were made specifically to endow “splendor and beauty.” (Shemot/Exodus 28:2)

Exodus 28:2

The garments were skillfully woven (Ex.28:8), made of finely twisted linen (Ex.28:6, 8), and crafted of the beautiful colors of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet (Ex.28:5, 6, 8). The colors are repeated and reflect the same color scheme used for the Tabernacle. Gold surely reminds us of the Glorious nature of HaShem. Blue was an incredibly expensive color sourced using exotic snails.

I recently saw a documentary that reminded me of this. In it, the presenter explained that the land of Phoenicia translates to the “land of purple,” as the people there were famous for their dyes. Did you know it took more than 20,000 snails to source the ink just to make one purple-dyed Roman toga! It was a costly process and not just anybody could afford purple or blue clothing and tapestries.

The Israelites were a people familiar with oppression and hardship. Can you imagine the self-esteem boost the LORD was giving them by instructing them to use the most expensive of products to prove their esteemed status as the chosen people?

The crimson red reminds us of course of the costly sacrifice Yeshua made, a reality foreshadowed by the tabernacle and priestly vestments and paid for in full on the cross of Calvary.

The priests wore a breastplate covered in precious jewels engraved with the names of the children of Israel (B’nei-Y’israel) (Ex.28:15ff). Notice that in Exodus 28:15, this is a breastplate of judgment. It is reasonable to say here judgment is synonymous with such an expression as discernment rather than a more punishing role.

Yeshua’s people are exhorted to use the full armor of God in Ephesians 6:10ff. Here, the breastplate of the royal priesthood of all believers is called the breastplate of righteousness (Eph.6:14). Good judgment can be termed “right-thinking,” “right-decision-making,” but that which makes us righteous is the shed blood of the Righteous One alone. The breastplate is intended as a protection for the heart – so discernment and judgment become tempered and perfected by the righteousness imputed to the saved ones.

Shemot/Exodus 28:15-21

Today, we wear the breastplate of righteousness and our feet present the Good News of peace. Scholars believe the Israelite priests entered barefoot into the Holy of Holies. We too, ought be bare of anything except the glorious message of salvation. The garments of the priesthood were intended to display splendor and beauty.

May your life be reflective of the splendor and beauty that is yours as a child of the Most High!

We’d love to hear your thoughts about the Biblical priesthood and the priesthood of all believers! Please leave a comment, like, and share with your friends!

Korah: the Rebellious Social Influencer

Parashat Korach/Korah (B’midbar/Numbers 16-18) 5781 B”H (Updated July 14, 2022/5782)

Grumbling and rebellion along for the journey

When the Israelites left Egypt, they were full of joy and the promise of a new future. They looked forward to the day when they would reach the Promised Land, the land flowing with milk and honey.

But the Promised Land was more than just special adamah אֲדָמָה (earth/ground). That Land was to be reflective of the spiritual posture of its inhabitants . . . and this generation was not up to par.

Grumblings, murmurings, and rebellion have a way of interfering with what could otherwise be a pleasant journey.

Ever try to take a fun road trip with grumpy children? So much for a pleasant journey.

And every congregation, large and small, has to deal with the occasional segment of dissenters.

Today, let’s look at Numbers 16, the account of Korach’s (Korah’s) rebellion against Moses and Aaron.

Korach’s Populist Plan for an Uprising

Korah (Korach) convinced 250 other Israelite men to join him in a populist plan for an uprising.

When trying to reason with Korah didn’t work, Moshe wanted to talk to Dathan and Abiram, but those two had fallen as low as Korah and refused to even have a discussion:

And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram the sons of Eliab, but they said, “We will not come up! Is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, that you should keep acting like a prince over us? Moreover you have not brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey, nor given us inheritance of fields and vineyards. Will you put out the eyes of these men? We will not come up!”  Numbers (B'midbar)16:12-14

You see, sowers of dissent create distrust of leadership and cause disunity in the congregation.

Korah’s ambitions demonstrate that he wasn’t content with what he had been given and was convinced he could do a better job at being priest than those who were appointed to those positions.

Like Lucifer, Korah wanted a position that didn’t correspond to him. He wanted to be High Priest.

Power struggles in Ministry

Maybe you have served on a ministry team or even pastored.

I’ve lost count of how many times we as congregational leaders have had to deal with the Korahs of our day.

How often we meet wolves in sheep’s clothing vying for power, unwilling to submit to wise counsel, questioning leadership, and ultimately trying to divide the flock.

It is a sad situation really, because these types of negative people are truly dealing with jealousy issues, anger, resentment, pride, and a whole host of sinful attitudes which they have never dealt with, repented from, or healed from.

These types of unhealthy individuals want to take down half the congregation – right down into that pit of defiance right along with them.

Don’t take the bait.

Spiritual Abuse is Real

Since we’re already talking plainly, let’s be real.

Just like not every sheep is a rebellious Korah, not every pastor is a humble Moses.

There can be a lot of toxic relationships, even in the church.

Sometimes pastors themselves are immature or hurt and treat their congregants inappropriately, or even abusively.

Pastors who do not have the backbone nor Moses-like prayer life to handle a challenge to their authority will often use an illustration like the account of Korah to attempt to scare rogue sheep into compliance.

Unfortunately, this can lead to spiritual abuse on a wider scale, as entire congregations have to endure harsh sermons warning them that if they don’t obey (the pastor or church leaders), the LORD might have a giant sinkhole take them out.

Recognize these types of unhealthy situations and make sure you and your family are being pastored with love and genuine care.

How true leaders respond in times of betrayal or unrest

Moses demonstrates how pastors and ministry leaders ought to respond in times of betrayal and unrest: he gets on his face before the LORD.

Later in the chapter, Aaron stands in the gap between the living and the dead to intercede.

True leaders spend time in sincere, earnest prayer.

Korah’s friends become slaves to their pride

Dathan and Abiram attempt to rewrite history to suit themselves.

These former slaves now claimed Egypt’s riches had been accessible to them as a land flowing with milk and honey.

These former slaves used Moses’ previous status as Prince of Egypt against him, to claim he lords over them.

Truly, Dathan and Abiram aren’t really just former slaves, they have bought into the insubordinate spirit of Korah.

They had become slaves to their pride.

The devil has a way of twisting history to make the Egypts in life sound so pleasant and deceive us right into temptation.

Dathan and Abiram absorbed Korah’s poison.

They sound like two deceived puppets spewing up Korah’s own complaints, which happen to be unrealistic expectations of Moses.

They are upset that Moses hasn’t brought them into the land ADONAI will bring them into, when HE decides. Dathan and Abiram whine that they haven’t been given their inheritance, but unlike the daughters of Tzelophehad who justly approach Moses regarding their inheritance, the Korah followers are bitter and impatient.

Korah, the Social Influencer

Today, we have social media “influencers.”

Korach was the social influencer in his day. He didn’t get YouTube awards or Facebook fans, but he had enough followers to cause a major disruption. That generation would never make it to the land of milk and honey.

Hebrews 3:19 “So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.”

Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and the rest of his gang had a choice between life and death, but their own hunger for ambition was met with a severe punishment from on high.

Rather than their hunger being satiated, these defiant individuals were swallowed alive by the earth and went straight into “she’ol.”


Straight to hell.

Be careful who you allow to influence you.

Korah’s fate and our lives today

If the LORD is going to cause the earth to swallow anyone up, let them go by themselves!

Don’t get dragged down right along with them.

What kind of media do you listen to?

What kind of social media do you participate in?

Make sure you are on the right side of history, so you can enjoy the provisions of milk and honey that are prepared for the faithful.

This portion of Scripture has been used to scare people, and we all benefit from a healthy reverence and fear of the LORD. But, rather than be consumed with terror, this passage should be seen as an encouragement to all who believe and follow our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ).

God will deal with the rebellious ones.

Follow God’s Word and learn what it is He wants for you. Pray and stay faithful and He will bring you into His Promised Land.

Giant sinkhole swallows cars in Jerusalem:

During the same week of this Parashat in 2021, a giant sinkhole swallowed up some cars in Jerusalem! I’ll leave it up to you to decide if it was mere coincidence! 🙂

Here’s a link to a news article on it:


Are you a positive, godly influencer? How do you handle the Korahs in life? Please leave a comment, subscribe, or share with your friends! Be blessed, to be a blessing. Shalom!